Democrats and their Left-wing media allies are doing somersaults and twisting themselves into pretzels trying to justify presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden’s blatant racist comment to a New York morning show host on Friday.

That includes Simone Sanders, who appeared on serial race-baiter Al Sharpton’s MSNBC program over the weekend.



Readers may recall that during an appearance on The Breakfast Club program with host Charlemagne Tha God, Biden blurted out, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.”

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That set off a firestorm of criticism, definitely from Republicans but also several prominent blacks who called Biden out for his stupidity and stereotyping.

Black Democrats, however, are unfazed by the comment and have rushed in to defend the gaffe-prone VP if for no other reason than because he has a “D” behind his name and he’ll implement their agenda if he happens to stumble into the White House next January.

In her interview, Sanders noted that Biden has apologized and that he intends to focus on the civil rights divisions across his administration and the Department of Justice, and is “committed” to putting judges on the bench “that reflect the community” — which means, of course, deferring to more black people just because of their skin color (which is blatant racism in and of itself).

“Vice President Biden has committed to making sure that we are underscoring not just the civil rights division and the Department of Justice, the civil rights division across his administration,” Sanders said.

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“He is committed to putting judges on the bench that reflect the community, taking a hard look, and making sure that they are African-American judges on the bench, qualified judges on the bench. He has committed to putting a black woman on the Supreme Court,” she added.

Do you see how this works? As long as the political agenda is met and the politician in question is a Democrat, all is well. He or she can say or do anything — even something that is unquestionably racist — and never have to answer for it or be held accountable.

The same thing happened in Virginia after Gov. Ralph “Blackface” Northam. After a photo of him either dressed in KKK garb or wearing blackface surfaced in an old med school yearbook, everyone was calling for his ouster.

That included some Democrats — until, of course, the party took control of the legislative branch in 2019. Then all was forgotten because Northam, the Leftist, pledged to sign all sorts of Democrat priorities like gun control.

It was even discovered that Northam’s family owned nearly 90 slaves back in the day — but that didn’t matter, either.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.