The COVID pandemic has been a gift from the heavens for Democrats in their ruthless pursuit of total political power and now that idea can no longer be simply dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

In an astounding admission, a top aide of Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag that “Covid is the best thing that ever happened to him” because it covered up his failures, according to a newly released book on the 2020 campaign.

The remarkable comment was attributed to Anita Dunn, a former acting White House Communications Director under Barack Obama as well as a longtime Democrat operative who was hailed by the liberal elitist Atlantic magazine as “The Mastermind Behind Biden’s No-Drama Approach to Trump,” in a post-election article.

Dunn’s revealing remarks are included in the book Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes that provides some of the first insights from within the belly of the beast that was the Biden campaign.

According to the authors, Dunn’s comments were made to an “associate” and that it was something that “campaign officials believed but would never say in public.”

Via The Hill, “‘Lucky’: Adviser described COVID-19 as ‘best thing that ever happened to’ Biden”:

The Joe Biden presidential campaign was confident the politics surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic would help the Democratic candidate in the presidential race, according to “Lucky,” a new book released Tuesday.

“COVID is the best thing that ever happened to him,” senior Biden adviser Anita Dunn told another campaign associate in late March 2020 after then-President Trump had announced initial stay-at-home guidelines for the nation.

The quotation comes at the end of a chapter titled “It’s all turning” that focused on how the pandemic, and the Trump administration’s response to it, ended up helping Biden in the presidential race.

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Before the pandemic hit, polls showed a tight race between Trump and Biden, who in March was just becoming the Democratic front-runner.

Biden’s campaign found the politics of the pandemic advantageous, given that Biden could be critical of Trump but would not actually have to make decisions himself on how to handle the coronavirus…

The remarks by Dunn should raise eyebrows as well as questions on to what extent that Democrats and their media allies deliberately added to the hysteria over COVID, leading to a state of fear that was used to push for the lockdowns that would derail the thriving economy under former President Donald J. Trump.

It was slightly less than a year ago when Democrats appeared to be destined for a crushing defeat with Trump on course to easily win a second term until last March when the cancellation of the NCAA Final Four men’s basketball tournament set a chain of events into motion that led to the shutdown of all sports along with religious services, schools, and dining establishments.

The media immediately sought to blame the disruptions on Trump and Biden and the Democrats further weaponized COVID using the fear to put into place a national push for vote-by-mail that would eventually be a key factor in Biden “winning” the election.

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And it allowed for Biden whose campaign trail appearances were increasingly marked by erratic and often belligerent behavior, much of it directed toward voters, to be kept safely locked down in his Delaware mansion until the weeks before the election.

Anita Dunn deserves some praise for her honestly that COVID was like winning the lottery jackpot for Biden.
