The former chief of the U.S. Border Patrol and chief of Customs and Border Protection is sounding the alarm about Joe Biden’s border crisis.

Mark Morgan, who also worked in the FBI for nearly 30 years, says the United States is now basically a “sanctuary country” and that Biden’s administration is giving amnesty to 90 percent of illegal aliens.

When asked about the Biden administration cutting deportations to an all-time low for April, Morning said: “I was in federal law enforcement for more than 30 years, and never until the Biden administration have I seen such a bold effort to tie the hands of law enforcement from upholding the rule of law.”

“Biden has limited who can be deported to a tiny group, including suspected terrorists, very bad criminals, and the handful of illegal immigrants who crossed into the United States after Election Day. That essentially leaves 13 million off the hook,” Morgan continued.

“The new guidance DHS issued made it effectively impossible for ICE to deport up to 90% of illegal aliens in the U.S.,” said Morgan.

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“In the eyes of President Biden and [Homeland] Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas, the only illegal aliens’ ICE should be deporting are potential terrorists and spies, or convicted aggravated felons. The Biden administration, through its actions and policies, has signaled that anyone here illegally that does not fit those categories is welcome to stay — despite the fact they have broken our laws simply by crossing the border illegally and, in many cases, have defied a court order calling for their removal,” he said.

And the only reason he and many Republicans can figure Biden is turning a blind eye to the problem is that the Democrats hope it will please their liberal base and erode the GOP’s 2020 surge in Hispanic voters.

“The Biden administration and far-left members of Congress view these individuals as potential new voters down the line, especially if they can ram through a radical amnesty proposal for the tens of millions of illegal aliens already here. Forget sanctuary cities — this administration is rapidly turning the U.S. into a sanctuary country,” warned Morgan.

Not long after Biden claimed the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border is “under control,” new data reveals that Biden could not be further from the truth.

Chief Patrol Agent Chris Clem tweeted that the Yuma Sector, which stretches across Arizona’s border with Mexico, apprehended over 1,600 illegal immigrants over the weekend.

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And that is just at one major border sector. There are dozens more.

“#YumaSector apprehended more than 1,600 migrants over the weekend. Agents encountered 13 groups of 30+ that illegally crossed into the US from Mexico. The migrants crossed in areas where there is no infrastructure to deter people from illegally crossing the border on foot,” he tweeted.

A new report reveals that the administration is apprehending nearly 6,000 illegal immigrants a day at the U.S.-Mexico border.

And that number doesn’t even include the illegal aliens who are getting into the country through fraudulent and other sneaky ways.

According to Breitbart, Immigration and Customs Enforcement have carried out 75% fewer “priority” arrests, and arrests the Biden administration deems “non-priority” have been cut by over 80% compared to the same time frame in 2020.

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Last week, it was revealed that the Biden administration is directing Border Patrol agents to dramatically decrease using DNA tests on apprehended migrants at the border, which was used by the Trump administration to identify “fake families.”
