A transgender woman who is actually a biological male, lashed out at Nia-Malika Henderson during the LGBTQ CNN town hall event after their name was mispronounced.

Shea Diamond, the transgender person, became extremely triggered after their name was said wrong, going as far to accuse CNN of committing “violence” for mispronouncing their name.

“I want to bring in Shea Diamond. A singer song-writer from L.A. She currently supports mayor Pete Buttigieg. What’s your question?” Malika Henderson said.

Diamond became very triggered after they made it clear that their name is pronounced like “Shia.”

“It’s violence to misgender or to alter a name of a trans person,” Diamond said.



Diamond went on to question far-left candidate Julian Castro about his transgender rights agenda.

“So the first thing I would like to say is the national transvisibility March happened last week. And we didn’t see much representation from sis gender people,” Diamond stated. “And we want to know if you are elected as president, will you have a group of transgender people to counsel you or advise you?”

Castro replied by pandering to the far-left base saying that he plans to have transgender people assist him as president.

”I would do that. In this campaign, we have been making sure to reach out to people in including transgender individuals as I speak out on issues important to the LGBTQ community and important to the forward progress as a country,” Castro said.

The CNN LGBTQ town hall event was a total sh*t show to say the least. At one point during the event, Senator Elizabeth Warren applauded a nine year old transgender child, (biological girl) who identified as a “transgender American.”

“My name’s Jacob, and I’m a nine-year-old transgender American,” the child said while standing next to her mom.

“All right, Jacob,” Warren said while applauding.

“Jacob” then asked Warren what she would do during her first week in office to make transgender children “feel safer in schools” and what “schools need to do better so I don’t have to worry about anything but my homework.”

“Oh, I like that question, Jacob! Let me start by saying I want to have a secretary of education that who both believes in public education and believes in the value of every one of our kids and is willing to enforce our civil rights laws,” Warren responded. “We’ve had some secretaries of education who’ve been better, and we’ve had one that’s been a whole lot worse. Her name is Betsy DeVos. So, when I’m president, she’ll be gone.”

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Warren then said that she wanted “Jacob” to help her pick the right person for the job.

“I want to make sure that the person I think is the right secretary of education meets you and and hears your story, and then I want you to tell me if you think that’s the right person and then we’ll make the deal,” she said.

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