There are likely a whole bunch of unintended consequences most people could come up with in response to the lunacy of defunding and disbanding police forces, especially those in major cities.

Chaos would ensue. Mayhem. Widespread criminal activity. Looting. Endless riots. And, once there was nothing left to loot and destroy in the cities, armed bands of roving outlaws would then filter out into the suburbs, where vigilantism will have taken root and homeowners defending their lives and property and families would take matters – ‘justice’ – into their own hands.

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But could you have imagined that the men and women who serve as our national lifeline, our truckers, the internal logistics force that delivers everything from food, water, and clothing to medical supplies, electronics, and just about anything else you can think of would simply refuse to come into cities without cops?

Well, there are some who are already warning that’s exactly what’s going to happen if cities follow through with getting rid of their police forces. 

The Epoch Times adds:

In a recent poll by CDLLife—the largest community for truck drivers—77 percent of truckers said they will refuse to deliver to cities that had defunded their police departments.

Many truckers have been fearful of their safety and what might happen if there are no police departments in the city. Truckers have been on the front lines the last few months, in both the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic and the protests over police brutality.

The stupidity is already starting.

Last week the Minneapolis city council voted unanimously to abolish their police department in the wake of George Floyd’s death, which sparked nationwide protests but which has since been hijacked by the hard Marxist Left to push for radical changes – like getting rid of all cops.

And the ‘leaders’ of other cities including Mayor Eric Garcetti in Los Angeles and Mayor Bill de Blasio in New York City have already vowed to reduce funding to their respective departments, the two largest metro forces in the country (NY is No. 1, LA is No. 2, followed by Chicago).

The  Transportation Nation Network (TNN) reported that truck drivers and trucking firms have been watching these developments with a keen interest, and understandably so. Imagine trying to deliver truckloads of vital medicines, food, high-dollar electronics, or fuel to a lawless city; not only would your load be stolen, but you’d be lucky to make it out alive.

“Trucking expert Dan Doran indicated “truckers and trucking companies will be quick to refuse service to these areas if trouble arises.”

“Truckers were already getting nervous about all these protests before they even started talking about defunding the police,” Doran continued.

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Not only that, but big rigs are small businesses for many drivers; it’s how they make their living. They buy or lease a truck and keep it rolling so that it not only pays for itself but also pays a salary for the owner-operator. Burned trucks, then, would be no different to that small business owner-driver than the owner of a small retail outlet watching his or her store go up in flames.

“A good customer may tell a good carrier that they’ll provide them some security to get them into the city limits… some kind of an escort,” Doran said. “I think any reputable carrier is going to listen to that concern and take steps to help the driver become more comfortable going in there.”

Trucking is already one of the country’s most dangerous jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If lawlessness comes to cities, trucks won’t.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.