Democrat establishment efforts to sink the campaign of socialist Bernie Sanders got a boost last week with a report that the candidate was informed that the Russians were looking to assist him. 

It was another one of sensational stories that had all have two things in common. First, there is no underlying evidence supportive of intelligence community claims and second, that they have all been conveniently leaked to the New York Times or the Washington Post. 

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On Sunday, President Trump called out top intel Democrat Adam Schiff who he accused of being the source of the anti-Sanders leak that hit the headlines on the day before the Nevada caucuses. 

He also called for an investigation into the leakage. 

According to the leader of the free world:

“I read where Russia’s helping Bernie Sanders. Nobody said it to me at all. Nobody briefed me about that at all,” he said, later adding, “Adam Schiff and his group, they leaked it to the papers. As usual, they ought to investigate Adam Schiff for leaking that information. He should not be leaking information out of intelligence. They ought to investigate Adam Schiff.”

Via The New York Post, “Trump: Schiff should be probed for leaking details of intelligence briefing”:

President Trump said Rep. Adam Schiff should be investigated for leaking an assessment from the intelligence community that Russia will interfere in the 2020 presidential election to help Sen. Bernie Sanders win.

“Nobody said it to me at all,” the president told reporters about not being briefed on Russian involvement. “They ought to investigate Adam Schiff for leaking that intelligence.”

The president suggested that Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, released the information to hurt Sanders’ presidential bid.

“I think what it could be, the Democrats are treating Bernie Sanders very unfairly. And it sounds to me like a leak from Adam Schiff because they don’t want Bernie Sanders to represent them,” Trump said outside the White House on Sunday as he prepared to depart for a two-day trip to India.

Despite the failure of the impeachment coup led by Schiff and his Ukrainian dual agent allies like Lt. Col.  Vindman and a gaggle of butt-hurt diplomats, the congressman whose district includes Hollywood is not giving up. 

While Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerrold Nadler are still hellbent at ginning up a bogus case to remove Trump from the White House, they like other members of the party establishment have a major fire to put out before it burns down their own rat’s nest. 

And that means that valuable resources will have to be at least temporarily redeployed from the front against Trump to put down Bernie and his communist insurgency before they are able to jump out to an insurmountable lead in the primaries. 

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Trump’s comments followed a Saturday tweet where he commented on a New York Times story about a briefing to Schiff and House Intelligence Committee members that alleged that Putin and the Kremlin were preparing to intervene in the election on the behalf of the POTUS. 

According to national security reporter Catherine Herridge, the briefers were unable to present any actual intelligence that backed up their conspiracy theories which would confirm suspicions that it was all a setup to allow Schiff to leak another scurrilous fake news story to the NYT. 

On Sunday’s edition of CBS’s “Face The Nation” National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien confirmed that there was no intelligence to back up the claims that shifty Schiff leaked to the media. 

Sensing that this time that he got caught, Schiff responded and like his fellow travelers, sought to reanimate the corpse of the Russian collusion scam. 

Schiff may be consumed by his vendetta against Trump but while he and the rest of the Democrat lynch mob have been distracted with their Soviet-style hearings and bogus charges, Sanders has taken advantage of their lack of attention. 

If pundits like MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and James Carville are correct, Bernie is facing an electoral beatdown along the lines of Nixon-McGovern in 1972 and could drag the Dems’ House majority down with him.

Then Schiff may actually find himself facing a real investigation into his scheming and leaking. 
