After Chief Justice John Roberts rewarded former President Barack Obama’s lawlessness by voting with the high court’s four libs to prevent President Donald Trump from rescinding the unconstitutional DACA executive order, the president and his administration are taking a new tact.

Namely, they are using other powers inherent within the federal bureaucracy and the Executive Branch to ensure that no one who benefits from the program can use it to sneak into citizenship.

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This is a bit ‘in the weeds’ and policy wonk stuff, but it’s important because by eliminating a couple of loopholes, President Trump is ensuring that the Obama-era program formally known as Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals isn’t abused like practically every other immigration-related program and policy has been prior to Trump’s victory.

The Washington Times has the details:

The government’s legal immigration agency said Monday that it will give strict scrutiny to DACA recipients who try to use a backdoor path to citizenship, as the Department of Homeland Security finalized plans for restarting the program after a Supreme Court decision this summer.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said illegal immigrant “Dreamers” can obtain advance parole to travel outside the U.S. — which offers the indirect path to citizenship — only if they have special circumstances such as an urgent national security reason or the need for a medical procedure that can be performed only outside the U.S.

That is a major change from the Obama years, when school or work trips were also counted as valid reasons. University groups would schedule trips to Mexico specifically to create an opportunity for students with status under DACA to win advance parole and get a chance at legalization.

Immigration advocates said the Obama administration was generous with granting permission.

Yes, of course the Obama regime was ‘generous’ with giving advance parole; the entire notion behind DACA, to begin with, was to ensure that more people who would cast ballots for Democrats be given an additional pathway to citizenship.

What makes that so galling and so highly unconstitutional is that Congress, not the Executive Branch, is the lawmaking body in our government. Presidents either sign legislation or they veto it; that’s the only role they have in the lawmaking process.

By implementing DACA, not only did Obama change immigration law arbitrarily, but he sidestepped Congress completely to do it.

That’s what makes John Roberts’ siding with the Supreme Court’s lawless libs equally galling: He was appointed by a president, George W. Bush, to rule on the constitutionality of laws, not legitimize an illegal executive order that created law on its own.

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What’s more, he ruled against President Trump who tried to repeal the unconstitutional order the same way Obama implemented it: Via executive order. Confounding and maddening at the same time.

Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean Trump is powerless to ensure that the program, if it must remain, is at least not abused in ways that would further undermine our sovereignty and make a mockery out of our constitutional system.

And meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security is working to craft another way Trump can phase out a program that should have never been allowed to begin in the first place.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.