We said for months that Americans should disregard all of those early polls that showed then-presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden well ahead of President Donald Trump.

The reason? Because they were flat-out wrong and intended to discourage the president’s supporters. ‘Biden is so far ahead, why bother to go vote in November?’ is the emotion such polling is intended to stoke or create.

But as is always the case, the closer we get to the election, and in a bid to salvage their credibility, polling firms and media networks that once claimed Biden was the runaway favorite are now producing surveys that are much closer to the truth.

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And they show the president in a much better light, which is where he should be (and would be if these outlets were honest).

The Epoch Times reported Wednesday that the president and Biden are literally deadlocked in at least four key battleground states — Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Florida — which tells us that Trump is probably ahead.

“We asked voters who they plan to vote for between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Forty-eight percent answered Trump, 48 percent answered Biden,” Heritage Action said in a statement accompanying release of the survey’s results.

“Only 4 percent were undecided. In terms of favorability, both President Trump and Joe Biden were viewed unfavorably by 2 points. In each state, the race is a statistical tie,” the statement said.

The Epoch Times adds: 

The presidential preference results, particularly the low undecided number, suggest Biden’s strong lead nationwide in surveys earlier this year has disappeared.

Things remain much more fluid, however, when voters are asked about their party support preferences. That preference can be a key factor in deciding close congressional races.

If 14 percent of likely voters in the four states remain undecided through the rest of the summer and into the post-Labor Day campaign run-up to the Nov. 3 election, the Wednesday after voting could bring a huge package of upsets.

(‘Biden’s strong lead has disappeared.’ Imagine that.)

“When we asked whether voters plan to support Republicans or Democrats in the upcoming election, the responses were split, with 43 percent supporting either side,” the statement said. “Fourteen percent remained undecided.”

Guess what else the survey found? Most Americans are not huge fans of having their cities burned and their businesses looted.

“The riots appeared to have made a deep impression on virtually all of those interviewed for the survey,” The Epoch Times reported.

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In a recent show segment, Fox News host Tucker Carlson noted that President Richard Nixon managed to score the biggest landslide victory in our country’s history in 1972 when he ran on an anti-riot platform of law and order – kind of like President Trump’s “law and order” campaign of 2020.

Carlson noted – correctly – that Americans want to feel safe, regardless of their political preferences, and are much more likely to vote for candidates who will push for and provide that safety.

As for Biden, Democrats were no doubt shocked and dismayed after his campaign got no bump in support following the lifeless complaint-fest known as the Democratic National Convention.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.