President Joe Biden made a speech last week where he took a heavy, aggressive tone against almost 75 million Americans who voted for former President Donald Trump, basically calling them enemies of the state and likening them to terrorists and insurrectionists. As you can imagine, this made the already unpopular Biden even more unpopular and unliked by the so-called “Ultra-MAGA” crowd.

And it ticked off Trump to the point that during a rally he held on Saturday in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, the first he’s held since the FBI raid on his Florida home, he borrowed language from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to strike back at Biden.

According to a report from TheBlaze, Trump went on to refer to Biden’s speech last week as the “most vicious, hateful, and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president.” And he’s not wrong. Not even a little. When you call this many voters, who have a deep, abiding love for their country and the values it was founded on, enemies of the state, you are obviously not in the market to win over hearts and minds with your agenda and ideology. You want separation and division. Mission accomplished, Mr. President.

Biden went on to say in his speech, “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic” and that the Republican Party, insofar as it is influenced by Trump, “is a threat to this country.” These remarks follow an absurd claim Biden made in August, comparing the MAGA philosophy to being “like semi-fascism.”

“Vilifying 75 million citizens β€” plus another probably 75 to 150 [million], if we want to be accurate about it β€” as threats to democracy and as enemies of the state” was the main point of Biden’s speech in Philadelphia, Trump stated.

“You’re all enemies of the state,” Trump went on to say in his address to the crowd. “[Biden’s] an enemy of the state, if you want to know the truth. The enemy of the state is him and the group that control him.”

Here’s more from TheBlaze:

Trump redirected Biden’s thematics around extremism, suggesting that the November elections are an opportunity for Americans to rebuke “the corruption and extremism of Joe Biden and the radical Democrat Party.”

In his speech, he repeatedly insinuated that the midterm elections serve as a “referendum” on Democrat policies and leadership: “This election is a referendum on skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime, soaring murders, crushing gas prices, millions and millions of illegal migrants pouring across our border, race and gender indoctrination.”

Given the strategic location of his rally, Trump noted further that “the people of Pennsylvania are going to fire the radical left Democrats, and you are going to elect Doug Mastriano as your next governor, and … an amazing slate of true ‘America First’ Republicans to Congress.”

The former president emphasized that, contrary to Biden’s claims, “Republicans in the MAGA movement are not the ones trying to undermine our democracy. We are the ones trying to save our democracy.”

There is a dangerous, dangerous strategy being played out by the Democratic Party here. Democrats want the general public to be as divided as possible against party lines. They want the right to look as radical, extreme, and as dangerous as possible, in order to cast themselves as the heroes in the narrative and the Republicans as the villains. It’s also very clear they are attempting to goad conservatives into civil unrest, which could justify a major push for gun grabbing and all sorts of big government policies to put be forced into law.

Don’t play their game, folks. Just don’t.
