On Tuesday, the Trump campaign made a last minute request for the debates, asking if a third party could inspect the candidates ears for electronic devices before the debate tonight.

The request from the Trump campaign comes after they asked if the two candidates could perform drug tests before the debate as well.

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Check out what the Daily Wire reported:

Trump’s re-election campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to examine the ears of each participant to see if either is wearing electronic devices or transmitters, Fox News reported. “The president has consented to this kind of inspection, but Biden has not, so far, sources said,” Fox wrote.

The Biden camp, meanwhile, is also asking for additional rules. Team Biden wants two breaks during the 90-minute debate, one after the first 30 minutes and another at the one-hour mark. “But that request has been denied by their Trump counterparts, Fox News is told.”

A Trump campaign source told Fox News that “our guy doesn’t need breaks. He gives 90-minute speeches all the time.”

The first debate starts at 9 p.m. EST on Tuesday, moderated by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, who recently announced the topics for the head-to-head battle between Trump and Biden.

Here are the debate topics for tonight, in order:

The Trump and Biden Records

  • The Supreme Court
  • Covid-19
  • The Economy
  • Race and Violence in our Cities
  • The Integrity of the Election

The Daily Wire continues:

The debate was set to run for 90 minutes with no commercials before Team Biden’s request.

The first debate will be divided into six segments of approximately 15 minutes each on major topics to be selected by the moderator and announced at least one week before the debate.

The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. Candidates will then have an opportunity to respond to each other. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a deeper discussion of the topic.

The second debate will be town-hall style and will be moderated by C-SPAN’s Steve Scully in Miami on Oct. 15. The final debate will be moderated by Kristen Welker of NBC and will take place in Nashville on Oct. 22.

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