For what seems like the millionth time, President Trump once again denounced white supremacy in an interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday night.

“Let me be clear again, I condemn the KKK, I condemn all white supremacists”, Trump said in the interview.

Watch below to see the full clip:

Even though President Trump said the exact words that the media has been looking for since Tuesday night, they STILL didn’t cover his remarks fairly. He couldn’t have been more clear in his message, and it STILL wasn’t enough for them.

Instead of saying “Trump condemns white supremacy during interview with Fox News”, the New York Times wrote this doozy of a headline:

“Trump, under pressure to condemn white supremacist groups, does so briefly in Fox audio interview”

This goes to show that no matter what, it will NEVER be good enough for the liberal media. NEVER.

And they wonder why President Trump didn’t want to play along in their little game?

The press in our country is truly the enemy of the people. 


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump