One of the things we all miss about President Trump is is laser-sharp wit. There’s no doubt about that.

This wit came shining through once again when Fox News’ Harris Faulkner asked Trump why he chose to weigh in on the border crisis. His response even got Faulkner to crack a smile before she reeled it back in.

“Most president, ex-presidents like yourself do not weigh in at this level,” Faulkner said. “Why did you feel like you needed to on this issue?”

“Well, you called me, I didn’t call you, in all fairness,” Trump hilariously responded.

Watch below:

“You wrote the statement last night,” Faulkner responded. “It was pretty strong.”

“I put out a statement,” Trump said. “The reason I weigh in is very simple. They’re destroying our country. Very simple. It can’t get simpler than that.”

At another point in the segment, Trump doubled down on the 2020 election, saying “We won the election, as far as I’m concerned.”

Watch below:

After Joe Biden was installed in the White House in January, he immediately began to lay waste to dozens of Trump-era policies that put America first.

One of the effective policies he axed was Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, which required migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. to remain in Mexico while their asylum claims were processed. Now, just two months later, Biden is realizing how badly he screwed up.

While quickly speaking to reporters on Sunday, Biden said he would “re-establish what existed before”, which was this exact “Remain In Mexico” policy that worked so well under Trump.

“Why do you think the message to the migrants, telling them to stay home, don’t come now, why do you think that hasn’t resonated yet? What more can be done sir?” the reporter asked.

“A lot more. We’re in the process of doing it now, including making sure that we re-establish what existed before, which was they can stay in place and make their case from their home countries,” Biden responded.


As the Daily Caller points out, Trump enacted the “Remain in Mexico” policy in June of 2019, but Biden ended the policy after taking office this year.

Biden’s border crisis is so bad that even CNN is admitting that Biden is putting them in “jail-like” conditions:

What is your reaction to Biden’s border crisis? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump