Prior to Election Day, President Donald Trump and his surrogates said he would outperform with minorities, and particularly Hispanics, over and above his 2016 polling numbers, and it turns out that is coming true.

While figures for black voters are preliminary, the president definitely made some inroads into that demographic, though perhaps not as far as he had hoped. But if heavily Hispanic Texas is any indication, President Trump’s standing with those voters has really improved.

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Cases in point.

First and foremost, the president did really well in Latino-dominated Miami-Dade County, Florida, where he dramatically outperformed his 2016 stats in that community. In fact, his dramatically increased popularity there helped propel him to victory in the Sunshine State and also helped the GOP recapture two seats from Democrats in Miami-Dade including one held by Bill Clinton’s Health and Human Services secretary, Donna Shalala.

The president also did very well in heavily Democratic, heavily Hispanic counties in South Texas.

Daniel Horowitz of The Blaze noted Wednesday:

The outcome of the election is still unclear, but there are certain enduring voting trends that are crystal clear. One of the most telling results of this election is that the man who, according to the ruling class, hates Hispanics got votes from Hispanics in greater numbers than any recent Republican nominee, despite those voters directly experiencing his “anti-Hispanic” policies and rhetoric for four years. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Texas border counties of the Rio Grande Valley.

In what is perhaps the most shocking result of a night full of surprises, Trump swung some heavily Hispanic border counties in Texas by 25-50 points. The Rio Grande Valley’s three counties – Starr, Hidalgo, and Cameron – are among the most Democrat counties in Texas. Hillary Clinton won them in 2016 by 60-, 41-, and 32-point margins, respectively. These were margins that endured for years. Indeed, Starr County has been one of the most Democrat jurisdictions in the entire country.

Who lives in these counties? Starr is 96% Hispanic, Hidalgo 92%, and Cameron 90%. These people have deep ties to Mexico, nearly all of them have family there and travel back and forth regularly, and many are dual citizens. If there is any place where you would find vociferous opposition to the idea of making any sort of sovereign separation between the two countries at the Rio Grande River, it would be residents of these counties.

According to preliminary results, Trump lost Starr County, a county with a 96% Hispanic population, but by just 5 points! That is a 55-point swing! He lost Hidalgo by 17 points and Cameron by 13 points. In Starr County, he did even better than George W. Bush, who was a popular governor of Texas with deep ties to the community.

Those results are nothing short of stunning – and again, as Horowitz notes, this president is doing those numbers in counties that are overwhelmingly Hispanic with strong ties to Mexico. That’s incredible.

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As for Florida, NBC News notes, “Around 55 percent of Florida’s Cuban-American vote went to Trump, according to NBC News exit polls, while 30 percent of Puerto Ricans and 48 percent of ‘other Latinos’ backed Trump.”

What did it? Obviously, the president’s anti-Marxism, anti-Socialism platform. But also, he listened and did not take the demographic for granted.

Like Democrats take blacks for granted (and they still continue to vote blue – go figure).


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.