While most of the mainstream media ignored a true bombshell story last week, namely, that evidence reveals former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was set up by rogue elements of Obama’s Justice Department and FBI, one very important person did not ignore the news.

That would be President Donald Trump.

No doubt the president has known for quite some time that Flynn was legitimately innocent the charge he lied to the FBI about a phone call involving Russia’s top U.S. diplomat in December 2016 because he was trying to save his son from being railroaded too.

After all, the president is privy to the nation’s top intelligence, and if we’re just now seeing the exonerating evidence involving Flynn, it’s a safe bet to say that Trump saw it some time ago.

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Also, Trump has also been keenly aware of the mountain of evidence proving that he was also set up — by the Obama administration, in general: Spies inserted into his campaign; fake dossiers paid for by his political opponent Hillary Clinton; fraudulent FISA court warrants; James Comey’s malfeasance, etc.

And much more information about all of this will be forthcoming, the president teased on Friday.

“Well, a lot of things are going to be told over the next couple of weeks and let’s see what happens,” Trump said in response to a question about why FBI Director Christopher Wray didn’t release the exonerating information on Flynn earlier.

“He was appointed by Rod Rosenstein and a lot of things are coming out. You’ll see a lot of things coming out. It’s disappointing,” the president said.

But first things first. In comments earlier regarding Flynn, Trump said Thursday “a big price should be paid” for what was done to his national security advisor by Team Obama.

“He was an innocent man,” Trump said. “He is a great gentleman. He was targeted by the Obama administration and he was targeted in order to try and take down a president, and what they’ve done is a disgrace, and I hope a big price is going to be paid. A big price should be paid. There’s never been anything like this in the history of our country.

“What the Obama administration did is unprecedented,” Trump continued. “It’s never happened. A thing like this has never happened before in the history of our country. I hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price because they’re dishonest, crooked people. They’re scum, and I say it a lot. They’re human scum. This should never have happened in this country,” he continued, saying nothing that was inaccurate or untrue.

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“The Obama administration Justice Department was a disgrace.”

Yes, it was. And criminal; let’s not forget criminal. You can’t defraud the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, legally, and yet Comey’s and Obama’s FBI did it at least four times.

They may have lied to Congress about Flynn as well, as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) suggested Sunday during an appearance on Fox News.

There are those who believe the president and his Justice Department were sitting on this evidence for months or even years, just waiting to release it all for maximum effect.

Let the disclosures, and the resultant indictments, begin.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.