Supporters of President Donald Trump have watched the garbage ‘establishment media’ completely disregard any journalistic integrity it had left during his first four years in office.

The country’s biggest media outlets reported one false allegation, one deep state lie after another in an attempt to continually keep the president off-balance and, ultimately, drive him from office. 

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And now that it appears the deep state was successful via a campaign to rig the election in a manner that favored Joe Biden, the fake news media continues to churn out…more fake news, which seems pointless if, in fact, the former vice president is on a glide path to be inaugurated on Jan. 20.

On Saturday, the granddaddy of false Trump reporting, The New York Times, claimed that President Trump was seriously considering a recommendation to declare martial law in the wake of last month’s election in which allegations of widespread vote fraud and outright ballot theft have been made in each of the so-called “battleground” states.

But the president wasted no time pushing back on that report hard on Sunday.

“Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!” Trump tweeted Sunday.

The Hill added:

The Times reported Saturday that Trump asked during a White House meeting that also involved Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell about a recommendation his former aide had made on the conservative Newsmax TV to “rerun” the 2020 election under military supervision.

While it was not clear if Trump endorsed the idea, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and White House counsel Pat Cipollone sharply pushed back on it, according to the newspaper.

Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI. The president pardoned him in late November.

Meadows and Cipollone also reportedly shot down the idea of appointing Powell as a special counsel to investigate claims of widespread voter fraud. Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani also pushed back against this idea, according to the newspaper.

Frankly, it should be second nature by now to instantly disbelief any wide claims like this made by ‘sources who spoke to’ the Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, etc., because they’ve all turned out to be 100 percent false.

Even now, as the deep state prepares to install “China” Joe Biden, who, along with his son Hunter Biden, is reportedly compromised big time by the Communists in Beijing, those same outlets continue to portray President Trump as a stooge of Russian President Vladimir Putin who, by the way, has already congratulated Biden (and the same garbage press didn’t say a word about it or suggest that now Biden has become ‘Putin’s man in Washington.’

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As for Trump, others were encouraging him to act as well, including Georgia-based attorney Lin Wood, who wrote on Twitter: “Patriots are praying tonight that @realDonaldTrump will impose martial law in disputed states, seize voting machines for forensic examination, & appoint @SidneyPowell1as special counsel to investigate election fraud. Our country must learn TRUTH of 20/20 election. We must.”

The president doesn’t appear as though he’s ready or even able to do that.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.