It didn’t take long for the incoming Biden administration to become embroiled in scandal, though it remains to be seen whether or not they will amount to much given how the ‘mainstream’ media serves as the Democrats’ biggest enablers.

The latest involves White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who should have been less willing to try and impress her left-wing friends on social media during President Donald Trump’s administration and more careful about what she actually wrote.

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Screenshots of old tweets unearthed and posted online by One America News’ Jack Prosobiec show that Psaki doesn’t care much for roughly half the country because — wait for it — they’re supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Breitbart News reports:

Newly resurfaced tweets from President Joe Biden’s White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki show that she pushed the Russia collusion hoax and claimed “Trump supporters are the worst.”

Screenshots of Psaki’s tweets, some as recent as last year, were shared by conservative commentator Jack Posobiec. In a February 2020 tweet, in response to one user who responded sarcastically to a tweet she had shared from her personal account, Psaki claimed “Trump supporters are the worst no [question].”

She also slammed supporters of two-time Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

In addition, Psaki, who was the spokesperson for the State Department under President Barack Obama, also pumped and primed the ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ hoax, as Prosobiec reported.

Later in 2017 she wrote: “Comey and Russia was a factor. It was not the only factor. Masogyny [sic] is real. [U]nderrated-Dems loss of connection with people struggling.”

You may recall that retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, became the ‘Most Persecuted American Ever’ thanks to Obama’s and Comey’s dirty, stinking, corrupt FBI, which targeted him with the intent of Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Stalin’s most ruthless chief of his secret police, who once said, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

Trump pardoned Flynn a few months before he left office after a Justice Department prosecutor appointed by then-Attorney General Bill Barr found evidence that Comey’s bureau set Flynn up.

As for Psaki, that’s not all that she wrote online that is damning (or should be).

A 2020 tweet from Psaki referred to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) as “Lady G” as he cross-examined Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding her role in the Trump-Russia investigation.

“Only in 2020 does #LadyG get to push a bunch of debunked conspiracy theories while questioning @SallyQYates (aka an American hero),” Psaki wrote.

Yates is a long of things but ‘am American hero’ is dubious and obviously dependent on a political point of view. For one, she was fired early on by Trump after she refused to enforce a lawful executive order banning travel into the U.S. from certain terrorist-supporting countries. For another, she admitted under oath during her Senate testimony that Comey “went rogue” with his Trump-Russia collusion hoax — which happened while she was a ranking official at the Justice Department. And she discussed Flynn’s perfectly fine phone call with a Russian ambassador with Obama.

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Yet she did nothing.

So it’s not surprising that someone who hates half the country but loves Sally Yates would think and say the things she does. Will it be enough for “Unity” Biden to be forced to replace her?

It should be, but it won’t be.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.