You wouldn’t think that President Donald Trump would have many supporters in deep blue California, given all of the genuine hate thrown his way by left-wing Democrat-worshipping people who, at the same time and very hypocritically, preach ‘tolerance.’

But you’d be wrong about that – at least on Saturday.

Videos posted to social media show hundreds of very diverse Trump supporters gathering in Beverly Hills to march in support of their favorite president.

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“The energy was running high and American pride was everywhere,” one rally participant identified as Whitney R., who is black, told Breitbart News, adding that the event was “the largest” with the “most diverse turnout.”

According to photos, supporters included men and women from all walks of life and nearly all demographics – white, black, Hispanic, Asian – as well as LGBTQ individuals.

Adds the Washington Examiner

Photos from the event show supporters holding “Trump 2020” and “Thin Blue Line” flags, in addition to signs reading, “Jews [heart] Trump,” “LGBTQ Latino for Trump,” “Chinese Americans for Trump,” and “Christians for Trump.”

People were also spotted wearing shirts reading “#You ain’t black – JoeBiden,” in reference to the Democratic presidential nominee’s comment earlier this year, and “Defund the Deep State” shirts.

“He’s going to win in a landslide,” Ed Regine, an entertainment industry worker who attended a Beverly Hills rally last month, said. “He’s going to win more electoral votes than last time. His opponent is weak, a flip-flopper, a guy who’s made outrageous racial comments.”

Interestingly, Regine isn’t the only one who is suggesting that the president’s going to be reelected in a landslide. 

Kevin McCullough writes at Townhall on Sunday:

It’s a foregone conclusion and must now be faced. 

Republicans have worried. Democrats have gloated. Libertarians, Independents, and Reformers have all weighed in. Now it must be acknowledged President Donald J. Trump is just not capable of winning this Nov. 3.

Perhaps the Democrats have finally found the silver bullet. After the Russia Hoax, Impeachment Farce, Lockdown Lies, Evaporative Economic Policies, Debate Blowups, and CoVid Contraction—they’ve even floated the 25th Amendment—which I only thought really bitter and nasty Never Trumpers would ever embrace. 

But none of it has worked. Not even Nancy Pelosi’s prayers for the President’s health could keep him in the hospital for more than three days. And here one week after he contracted it — no one’s even discussing him having it because he’s symptom free and feeling twenty years younger.

So no… Donald J. Trump just doesn’t have what it takes to just win on November 3. 

Because he’s going to absolutely crush the election that day. A #Trumpslide if you will.

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That’s pretty bold, for sure, but he lists a lot of reasons why he believes that and, as the Beverly Hills rally indicates, one of the biggest reasons is the enthusiasm for the president (and, hopefully, more Republicans in Congress).

“The candidates already know that the president is winning by a mile. President Trump can’t help but to continue to draw massive crowds (even while in the hospital.) Every weekend, in every state, in hundreds of cities bikers, truckers, boaters, horse and buggy people, and regular pedestrians are having larger and larger participation in various parades of support from Miami to Manhattan and from Beverly Hills to Capitol Hill,” he adds.

Sounds good to us.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.