Whether or not President Donald Trump succeeds in reversing what he and his campaign believe was an obvious ‘steal’ of the 2020 election, and whether he decides to run again in 2024 if he winds up having to concede the Oval Office to Joe Biden, he will remain the dominant force in the Republican Party.

In fact, it is safe to say that he will remain the head of the party well into the future, even to the point of guiding GOP policy – his voice and sway within the party is that powerful.

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So it should be more than a little worrisome for current Republican lawmakers when the president says he’ll not soon forget those in the party who refused to stand with him and fight to salvage his reelection.

“I saved at least 8 Republican Senators, including Mitch, from losing in the last Rigged (for President) Election. Now they (almost all) sit back and watch me fight against a crooked and vicious foe, the Radical Left Democrats. I will NEVER FORGET!” Trump tweeted Christmas Eve.

[Wait for the tweet to load]

IJR has more:

Ahead of the November 3 elections, the non-partisan Cook Political Report rated seven Republican-held Senate seats as toss-ups. Democrats were initially bullish about their chances of winning the Senate.

However, on election day, Republicans held five of those seats. The remaining two are going to runoff elections in Georgia, which will determine the balance of power in the upper chamber. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also won his reelection bid, although the Cook Political Report rated his race as “likely Republican.” … 

Trump has one last method to contest the election, which would require Republicans in Congress to object to certifying the Electoral College’s vote. 

But of course, the cowardly Republicans – Democrats would band together in a heartbeat and fight until their last breath, using every dirty trick in the book if the situation was reversed – have long since thrown in the towel.

Including, of course, those Trump campaigned for and helped secure victory.

Earlier this week, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, one of the chamber’s leading GOP members, said the president’s efforts were “not going anywhere.”

“I mean, in the Senate it would go down like a shot dog. And I just don’t think it makes a lot of sense to put everybody through this when you know what the ultimate outcome is going to be,” he added.

Trump gave this political coward both barrels in a tweet.

“Republicans in the Senate so quickly forget. Right now they would be down 8 seats without my backing them in the last Election. RINO John Thune, ‘Mitch’s boy’, should just let it play out. South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!” he wrote.

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[Wait for the tweet load]

The president isn’t kidding. He’s reportedly instructed aides to keep track of the 2022 GOP primaries as he helps raise money for a PAC designed to primary RINOs, of which there are more than a few.

Trump will remain the titular head of the GOP, whether they like it or not. And he’ll make any who color outside the conservative lines pay.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.