It is looking like former Vice President Joe Biden will be the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate and President Donald Trump seems to be pretty excited about facing him.

During multiple insults directed at Biden, President Trump noted that the former Vice President is “mentally weak” also adding that he is a “loser” and a “dummy.”

During a campaign event in Iowa, Biden lashed out at President Trump saying, “This is a guy who does everything to separate and frighten people.”

President Trump responded while talking to reporters. “When a man has to mention my name 76 times in his speech, that means he’s in trouble,” Trump said. “I have to tell you, he’s a different guy. He looks different than he used to, he acts different than he used to–he’s even slower than he used to be.”

“Joe never got more than 1 percent except for when Obama took him off the trash heap,” Trump also added. “It looks like his friends from the left are going to overtake him pretty soon.”

Trump went on to discuss how excited he was to face Biden in 2020.

“I’d rather run against, I think, Biden than anybody,” Trump said. “I think he’s the weakest mentally and I like running against people who are weak mentally.”

The Biden team announced that they are planning on slamming President Trump for his treatment of American farmers while in Iowa.

“America’s farmers have been crushed by his tariff war with China. No one knows that better than Iowa,” Biden will apparently say. “He thinks he’s being tough. Well, it’s easy to be tough when someone else is feeling the pain.”

Biden will ask “how many farmers across this state and across this nation have had to face the prospect of losing their business, of losing their farm because of Trump’s tariffs?”

On Tuesday, President Trump responded and said that he is “the best thing that has ever happened to farmers.”

“Nobody has treated farmers better than Trump,” Trump said. “The farmers are my best friend.”

Trump also hammered Biden over China.

“Joe Biden thought China was not a competitor. Biden is a dummy. Joe Biden thought China was not a competitor of ours,” Trump said while adding that China “ate our country alive during Obama and Biden.”

“China is a major competitor and right now, China wants to make a deal very badly,” Trump said. “It’s me right now who is holding up the deal. We’re either doing a great deal with China or we’re not doing a deal at all.”

Check out what Fox News reported in relation to Biden’s time on the campaign trail:

Biden is expected to shift his stance on China, and plans to tell Iowans on Tuesday that the U.S. is “in a competition with China,” and that we need to “get tough.”

Biden’s trip to Iowa will be his second since launching his 2020 presidential campaign in late April and comes just two days after he skipped one of the first major 2020 events in the state on Sunday.

Biden was criticized for missing the Iowa Democratic Party’s Hall of Fame dinner, which was held Sunday in Cedar Rapids. Nineteen of the nearly two-dozen candidates spoke at the annual gathering.

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