President Donald Trump likely gave his Democrat rivals some more political ammunition on Monday for their unfounded claims that he’s a tyrant-in-waiting and won’t leave the White House if he loses in November.

During a press conference at the White House, the president once again bashed widespread mail-in voting as having the potential to screw up the results so badly that it will require a re-vote.

“You can’t take millions of ballots, send them haphazardly all over the country, or all over a state, and expect to come out properly,” the president told reporters at the White House.

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“It’ll end up being a rigged election, or they’ll never come out with an outcome. They’ll have to do it again. And nobody wants that, and I don’t want that.”

The president then blasted mail-in voting after a reporter asked him about negotiations with the Democrat-controlled House regarding additional funding for the U.S. Postal Service, which has warned 46 states it may not be able to deliver ballots on time.

“The Democrats want to make it a political issue. It’s not a political issue. It’s really about a correct vote. You have to get voting right. You can’t have millions and millions of ballots sent all over the place, sent to people that are dead, sent to dogs, cats, sent everywhere,” Trump said.

“This is a serious situation. This isn’t a game, and you have to get it right. I just want to get it right. Win, lose, or draw, I think we’re going to win. Win, lose, or draw, we have to get it right.”

Two things are correct: We think the president will win, too. And yes, Democrats want money to make mail-in balloting universal throughout the country, so millions of ballots can be sent to the wrong addresses or to people who have died so Democrat ballot harvesters can ‘fill them out.’

But the president’s not really right about a do-over; there’s never been any such thing and there isn’t going to be one. Hence, his call to ‘get it right’ the first time.

And we’d better because the Democrats have already hired some 600 lawyers claiming to do so to prevent Trump from ‘stealing’ the election. 

However, as Fox News host, talk radio giant, and constitutional lawyer Mark Levin notes, it’s the Democrats who want to steal it.

Levin pointed out on “Fox & Friends Weekend” earlier this month that President Trump “never said he wouldn’t leave office.”

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“The president said I got to see what happens on Election Day because all of us see what’s going on,” he continued. “The states are incapable of doing 100 million potentially or 80 million or 60 million people with mail-in voting.”

“We’ve never seen this before,” he noted.

He went on to note that Democrats are pushing for widespread mail-in voting to crash the system.

Why are they doing this? Why are they suddenly, this year with this president, interested in mail-in voting?” Levin asked.

“To collapse it, to overwhelm it,” he added.

“They’re ready to litigate in states like [former Vice President Al] Gore started to litigate against [George W.] Bush and no matter what, they’re going to claim victory,” Levin said.

“If Trump wins the battleground states by a few thousand, or a few tens of thousands, they’re going to say he oppressed and suppressed the vote, look at the mail-in vote.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.