Fox News’ Tucker Carlson warned on his program Thursday that deranged left-wing Democrats in the media are making patently irresponsible statements in the wake of what they are claiming is a presidential victory by Joe Biden to the point where violence against President Trump’s supporters is almost assured.

CNS News noted on Monday:

During his introductory monologue on Thursday, FNC’s Tucker Carlson denounced the dangerous rhetoric coming out of left-wing media about the election, particularly comments made by retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher earlier this year.

Similar to some of the poisonous rhetoric of today, Wilkerson casually discussed the U.S. military fighting against gun-toting Trump supporters and wondering “how much blood will flow” if Trump refused to leave the White House.

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“Democrats have been thinking about this for a long time, it turns out – none of the rest of us have, but they have,” Carlson said regarding the media’s version of the presidential election outcome. “This summer, John Podesta played Joe Biden in an election simulation that Democrats held. In that simulation, according to reports, Podesta ‘wanted to see what the military would do if Donald Trump refused to accept the election results.’”

At that, Carlson played a clip of Wilkerson making comments about that particular scenario to Maher: “If Trump calls his base to the streets with their guns, his base owns something like 60 to 70 percent of three-hundred, four-hundred million guns in America. If they answer that call and come to the streets with guns, then we probably are going to have a need for the military, and then all bets are off as to how much blood might flow.”

“The military?” Carlson asked incredulously. “So what exactly would the military do? It’s shocking even to think about something like that.”

“Keep in mind that Wilkerson is not a fringe figure. He’s not some guy muttering to himself on a city bus,” Carlson went on. “Wilkerson was once chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, look him up, he is a famous man.”

“How much blood might flow,” Carlson continued. “So here you have one of the people who brought you the war in Iraq fantasizing out loud about killing even more civilians, in this case, American citizens, Trump voters, in the streets of our cities. People didn’t used to talk like this on television, and on Fox News, they still don’t because we wouldn’t allow it.”

In conclusion, Carlson noted correctly: “That’s violent extremism.”

It sure is. And as usual, it’s violent extremism coming from the left, not from right-leaning Trump supporters.

President Trump has never said he would never leave office if he lost. But now that it’s apparent the election is in the process of being stolen from him, what now? 

What are his voters supposed to do – just allow that to happen?

Would Biden’s voters allow his election to be stolen by Republican operatives, and in an obvious way? 

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Of course not; they’d have already been in the streets rioting, looting, and burning down entire city blocks. In fact, if Trump’s legal challenges are successful and he manages to secure his rightful victory, expect those riots.

But that may just be the price of ensuring we leave a country to our children and grandchildren that has functioning democratic republican institutions like free and fair elections.

The military has defended those principles since our country came into existence. It may have to again, just not in the way this lunatic Wilkerson thinks.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.