Jack Dorsey, cofounder of social media platform Twitter, is finding himself getting heaped with praise after posting a tweet saying “End the CCP” as a response to a video put out concerning the Chinese Communist Party’s extremely strict COVID precautions.

According to a story published by Just the News, Dorsey’s tweet against the CCP was posted up on Saturday as a reply to a video put out by CNN concerning the “Zero COVID” strategy of the country’s government, which, after more than two years since the beginning of the pandemic, still includes constant monitoring.

Arizona GOP State Sen. Wendy Rogers responded to Dorsey by saying, “Based Jack? yoooooooooo,”

“I’m sure CCP will be announcing momentarily that all its party officials, state media and bots will be boycotting Twitter, right? Please?” lawyer and Hong Kong human rights activist Samuel Bickett said in a reply to Dorsey’s post.

Twitter is actually blocked in China, however, specific officials within the CCP use it to push the party’s overall narrative.

“Dorsey replied with a frown emoji to Hong Kong-based blogger Jane Manchun Wong, who said: ‘At this point, this Zero-COVID strategy being pushed from top-down has become an ideological war — to show West their way is the right way[.] Other officials are trying to move past this by inventing new terms like ‘dynamic Zero-COVID’ but it’ll only be over if the leader wants to,'” Just the News reported.

Aric Chen, who works for the Epoch Times responded to Dorsey by saying, “Good move! End the CCP!”

But as is always the case with the Internet, there were quite a few folks who weren’t happy about Dorsey’s criticism.

“Here is ex Twitter CEO and finance billionaire oligarch Jack Dorsey calling for overthrowing the Chinese government (because it’s saving lives from covid, after 1 million people in the US died),” Multipolarista reporter Benjamin Norton stated in a post on Twitter. “Anyone who praised this neocon imperialist as a ‘brave free speech warrior’ was duped.”

“America has had 1.03 million COVID deaths. China built 15 hospitals in 10 days and ended extreme poverty while fighting COVID and despite having 1.3 billion people, has only had 5,226 deaths. End America more like it,” Karen Geiger, a writer, said in a reply to the Twitter cofounder.

At the end of the day, Jack Dorsey is not likely to be someone you can call a conservative, but he’s beginning to open his eyes on a few issues, and that’s how the awakening begins. It usually happens to folks as they get older and start to realize the world is not what they thought it was.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch. All of the programs the left often calls for require funding. That funding comes from taxpayers. When people grow up and have to make a house payment and pay taxes, they stop with the liberal foolishness.

Jack is having that awakening moment with the Chinese Communist Party. Communism is very bad news for any country around the globe. This is why it is important to stand up against it and push it back into the shadows.
