Over the weekend, the entire liberal wing of Twitter had a collective meltdown when stories emerged of USPS mailboxes being “locked”. This led to accusations that President Trump was deliberately ordering these boxes to be locked so people couldn’t utilize mail-in voting.

Yes, really.

However, a quick Google search easily proves that this is nothing more than fake news.

Verified Twitter user Rex Chapman shared a picture of locked USPS mailboxes with this caption:

Burbank, California.

In your entire life have you ever seen a LOCKED mailbox at the USPS?

Now you have.

A disgrace and immediate threat to American democracy. Shame on them. Shame on the GOP.

Where are you Mitch McConnell?

This tweet was easily debunked by doing a very quick Google search, which proved these images were from 2016 after people were stealing mail from the boxes:

(Tweet source)

As I’m writing this article, Chapman’s tweet is still live and is still accumulating tens of thousands of likes/retweets and impressions despite it being thoroughly debunked:

Twitter is often so quick to delete or censor Trump tweets, yet it allows fake news about mail in voting to go completely unchecked.

Mollie Hemingway went off on Twitter for leaving this tweet up:

Twitter claimed their censorship of Trump wasn’t election interference, just making sure that misinformation didn’t spread. And yet they are doing literally nothing as prominent Democrats and media push RIDICULOUS conspiracy theories riddled with falsehoods.

This is just another example of the liberal bias that exists on just about every news network and social media platform.



"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump