Anyone who’s been to college knows the rigors of academic life. Anyone who progresses to the level of a master’s degree knows what kind of effort it takes to keep up with advanced coursework and finish a thesis.

Anyone who progresses higher – say, to get a law degree – really lives a rough life. So, if you put so much time and effort (and money) into a highly advanced professional degree, why would you throw it all away?

That’s a great question for a couple of New York lawyers who now face life in prison for doing something so stupid – tossing a Molotov cocktail as an NYPD vehicle – it makes you wonder how they got through such a rigorous field of study.

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The New York Post reports that the stupidity was born out of Left-wing activism:

An upstate woman and two Brooklyn lawyers were indicted Friday on federal explosives and arson charges for allegedly tossing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles during George Floyd protests in New York City.

Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, is accused of hurling the makeshift explosive at an NYPD vehicle occupied by four police officers on early Saturday morning, May 30.

Prosecutors allege Shader bit one of the officer’s legs when she was being taken into custody.

Around the same time, Brooklyn lawyers Urooj Rahman, 31, and Colinford Mattis, 32, were accused of tossing their own Molotov cocktail at an unoccupied police vehicle in Brooklyn during a separate attack.

When she was arrested, Rahman was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words, “The struggle continues regardless.”

What ‘struggle?’ How does someone like her go to and graduate from Fordham Law School allow herself to stumble into a federal terrorism charge? Ditto for her alleged compatriot and fellow ‘down for the struggle’ guy Mattis, who graduated from Princeton before attending New York University Law School?

It boggles the mind.

In any event, The New York Post adds that the three of them “face life in prison on the seven-count indictments, charging them with the use of explosives, arson, use of explosives to commit a felony, arson conspiracy, use of a destructive device, civil disorder, and making or possessing a destructive device.”

“Such criminal acts should never be confused with legitimate protest,” noted United States Attorney Richard Donoghue in a statement. “Those who carry out attacks on NYPD Officers or vehicles are not protesters, they are criminals, and they will be treated as such.”

Shader’s lit device did not ignite, but the device that Rahman and Mattis lit and threw into an empty NYPD cruiser did ignite and burned out the vehicle.

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For her part, Shader appears to be a professional dirtbag. She’s got several prior arrests in 11 different states, leaving us to wonder how and why she was breathing free air in the first place. And her actions were allegedly caught on video.

As for Rahman and Mattis, they have been described as “humble Brooklynites,” the Post noted, who worked their way through school and had promising careers ahead of them.

‘Had’ being the operative word. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.