Whatever favorable reputation China had among Americans is quickly evaporating thanks to the Communist regime’s pathetic handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which has now killed north of 50,000 of our citizens.

As reported by The Epoch Times, a new survey found that most Americans — two-thirds, in fact — now view China unfavorably, including a majority of younger people.

And, not surprisingly, the study from the Pew Research Center also found that Republicans view Beijing much more negatively than Democrats, lending further proof that Democrats, not the GOP, are the party that embraces authoritarianism.

The Epoch Times notes:

The survey, conducted from March 3 to 29, 2020, among 1,000 adults in the United States, found roughly two-thirds of Americans now say they have an unfavorable view of China, the most negative rating for the country since Pew Research began asking the question in 2005, and up nearly 20 percentage points since Donald Trump became president of the United States.

The survey also found that older Americans hold a more negative view of China than do younger Americans, though the negativity has risen for both.

In addition, the Pew Research Center notes that about nine-in-10 Americans also now see China’s influence and power as a threat to the U.S., including 62 percent who rate it as a ‘major’ threat.

“Older Americans are more concerned than younger adults about China,” Pew Research said. “Nearly seven-in-ten of those ages 50 and older see China’s power and influence as a major threat, compared with roughly half of those 18 to 29.”

Older Americans 50 and above are more likely than 18-29-year-olds are to hold negative views, and it’s been this way since Pew began gauging Chinese favorability 15 years ago. But while “half or more of this 50 and older held negative views of China since 2012, this is the firs year in which more than half of younger Americans also have an unfavorable opinion,” the survey reported. “Among this age group, negative views have roughly doubled since the question was first asked.”

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And, of course, Democrats continue to view the ChiComs more favorably than Republicans because again, authoritarians love other authoritarians.

“In some ways, this is a partisan story,” noted Pew Research. “Republicans continue to be more wary of China than Democrats across many questions in this report.”

“Nearly three-quarters of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents see China unfavorably, compared with roughly six-in-ten Democrats and Democratic leaners. They are also more worried about China when it comes to cybersecurity and economic issues such as job losses to China and the trade imbalance. Republicans are more likely than Democrats to see the United States outpacing China as the world’s leading economic power as well as the world’s top military,” the report noted further.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has also taken a hit in favorability. The survey found that about seven in 10 Americans (71 percent) said they have no confidence in Xi to behave on the level when it comes to world affairs.

“While views of Xi have been fairly stable for the past few years, remaining within a 10 percentage point range, in just the last year the percentage saying they lack confidence in him has increased by 21 points,” Pew Research said. “This shift occurred among both Republicans and Democrats, as well as among older and younger Americans.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.