If you’re going to become an Olympic athlete for the United States, shouldn’t you show respect to our country’s flag and anthem?

Most Americans probably believe that, but the U.S. Olympic Committee apparently doesn’t. 

The committee’s leftists have decided to allow U.S. athletes to act out during the Games next summer with demonstrations against alleged ‘systemic racism’ (which is a myth to begin with, by the way).

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The Hill reports:

The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) announced Thursday that it will not sanction athletes who choose to “peacefully and respectfully” engage in demonstrations in support of racial or social justice causes. …

The rule around demonstrations was originally set by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), according to a spokesperson for the USOPC. The spokesperson said that national Olympic committees have always historically enforced the policy. 

The announcement however, amends the practice of enforcement if an athlete peacefully chooses demonstrate against racial injustice. 

Ahead of the 2020 games, which were to be held this year but were moved to next year (July 23-August 8) due to the coronavirus pandemic, the rule was, “No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.”

And that was actually the right balance because it was put in place so that athletes would remain focused on their competitions and the Games would be a neutral space for everyone.

Not anymore. Now, Olympic Committee members want Americans to suspend belief and to disregard reality so that a few knuckleheads can misappropriate a sporting event that is intended to highlight our country and celebrate its best athletes, so they can make it all about them instead.

“First and foremost, it is critical to state unequivocally that human rights are not political,” USOPC CEO Sarah Hirshland said in a statement. “Peaceful calls for equity and equality must not be confused with divisive demonstrations.”

Right. Demonstrating for human rights isn’t political, and yet the intention behind such demonstrations is to achieve a political outcome and objective. Only, don’t you dare mention that or think that because that is ‘confusing’ the issue with “divisive demonstrations.”

If only left-wing morons who think like Hirshland could have an out-of-body experience and actually see and hear how stupid and hypocritical such statements are, they’d never make them.

Any demonstrations will be ‘divisive’ because not everyone agrees that American has “equity and equality” problems – which is why banning all of them is exactly the right policy. 

In fact, most would argue that our country specifically mitigated such discrimination via our Constitution and a whole bunch of federal and state laws. And indeed, the fact that these protests are going to be conducted by athletes who are privileged enough to be on Team USA, to begin with is the epitome of tone-deafness and hypocrisy.

And who really believes that Hirshland’s decision to allow these ‘injustice’ demonstrations weren’t political in the first place? 

What’s next – removing all references to America from uniforms? No U.S. flags? No red-white-and-blue?

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This is the height of absurdity, but the solution is simple: Anyone on Team USA who is so ashamed of the country they feel a need to protest it shouldn’t be on the team, period.

After all, we wouldn’t want them suffering from all that inequity and inequality.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.