The closer we get to the election, the more evidence we see that President Trump’s campaign to enlist more support from minority voting blocs appears to be paying off.

And if that’s the case, then ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden’s chances of winning the presidency continue to shrink.

American Greatness notes:

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Joe Biden has a problem. Actually, he has a few problems. Recent polling shows that Donald Trump is running much stronger with Hispanics and black voters than he did in 2016. Those are demographic groups that Biden needs to win big if he has any hope of winning the election. If Trump’s strength with these voters continues, it will doom Biden and lead to a second Trump term.

An NBC/Marist survey taking in Florida earlier this month showed the president with 50 percent of the Hispanic vote compared to 46 percent for Biden – that’s huge in and of itself given the state’s large Hispanic population.

In the last election, Hillary Clinton snagged 62 percent of Hispanics who voted in the state compared to 35 percent for Trump.

In addition, the president is also performing better with blacks in Florida; the same survey finds his support among black voters is 11 percent compared to 8 percent in 2016. 

“If those numbers hold, Florida is simply unwinnable for Biden,” American Greatness notes. 

But that’s not the only poll showing the president’s rising support among minority voting blocs. 

“A poll of 750 likely voters conducted for the Center for American Greatness in Nevada by Rasmussen Reports shows Biden leading Trump by just a single point (49 percent to 48 percent). As in Florida, Trump is running strong with Hispanics, getting 47 percent support to Biden’s 49 percent,” the outlet notes.

That’s a huge turnaround. In 2016, candidate Trump got 29 percent of the Hispanic vote to Clinton’s 60 percent. In addition, that same survey shows the president with 41 percent of the black vote.

“The Nevada survey also shows Trump with a slightly higher favorability rating compared to Biden (48 percent versus 46 percent) which undercuts the narrative that this is a race between a likable Biden and an unlikable Trump. This despite the constant drubbing Trump takes from elite media and the concomitant puffing of Biden,” American Greatness noted further.

These are not necessarily going to translate into Republican shifts, but they ought to because frankly, the GOP now fully belongs to the president, not the establishment RINO class like those losers at the misnamed Lincoln Project and the others who published now-defunct magazines and pine for donations aboard cruises where they used to talk about implementing the same policies that President Trump has implemented.

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That said, these are tectonic shifts in minority voters. And as more blacks and Hispanics get elected to or run for office under the Grand Old Party banner, we fully expect to see these shifts continue. 

The fact of the matter is, after decades of taking black and Hispanic voters for granted, Trump is making inroads into traditional Democratic voting blocs; and if he wins them, they’re not liable to shift back to blue anytime soon. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.