Joe Biden and his handlers are facing a high-stakes month with several of his top agenda items on the line, few more important than the ambitious goal of getting 70 percent of the U.S. population vaccinated by July 4th.

Biden’s credibility is at stake after he based his campaign largely on the pretense that he was better suited to manage the COVID crisis than former President Donald J. Trump, and hitting the magic number will allow him to ‘declare victory’ over the virus on a historically significant day.

However, the metrics are being battered by reality with holdouts who have declined to take “the jab”. This obstacle has even forced Biden allies like the Washington Post to admit that it may not happen.

According to the WaPo; “Plummeting vaccination rates have turned what officials hoped would be the “last mile” of the coronavirus immunization campaign into a marathon, threatening President Biden’s goal of getting shots to at least 70 percent of adults by July 4.”

“The United States is administering fewer than 1 million shots per day, a decline of more than two-thirds from the peak of 3.4 million in April, according to The Washington Post’s seven-day average, even though all adults and children over age 12 are now eligible.” The Post reported.

The paper adds that “The slowdown is national – with every state down at least two-thirds from its peak – and particularly felt across the South and Midwest. Twelve states, including Utah, Oklahoma, Montana, the Dakotas and West Virginia, have seen vaccinations fall below 15 daily shots per 10,000 residents; Alabama had just four people per 10,000 residents get vaccinated last week.”


The Post lamented that; “Health officials have already reached the low-hanging fruit – those people who absolutely want to get vaccinated without you telling them anything,” and that “Polls have found that about one-third of Americans have no immediate plans to get vaccinated, with some holdouts saying their skepticism has intensified over time…”

Last week, an increasingly desperate Biden announced a “national week of action” and begged Americans to convince family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to line up and roll up their sleeves, even pathetically hawking free beer to those of legal age who are vaccinated.

Biden has also dispatched president-in-waiting Kamala Harris, Dr. Jill, and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci to make a series of public relations appearances to encourage those who remain vaccine hesitant to get with the program although, by early indications, it isn’t looking good.

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On Sunday the scandal-tainted Fauci and Mrs. Biden were met with protests and booed when they arrived at a Harlem clinic to pimp the vaccine, not a positive sign.

The WaPo story also quotes Jeff Zients, a Democratic party political hack who despite no actual medical experience was named as Biden’s White House coronavirus coordinator; “We need to bring the vaccines to where people are and answer the questions that people have,” he added, “And we are confident that more and more people will get vaccinated, leading up to the Fourth of July.”

With all of the money spent on propaganda, celebrity persuasion campaigns, and promises of free stuff, Biden’s national vaccination drive is running on fumes.

The WaPo details a series of accounts from frustrated local health officials that cast serious doubt on hitting the 70 percent goal in the next month.

While it is inevitable that the administration will move the goalposts, the inability to deliver will be an embarrassing political setback for Biden who also stands to see other top priorities like a Democrat bill to cement election-rigging into place go down to defeat with Joe Manchin refusing to buckle on ending the filibuster.

The real fireworks on July 4th will be the media temper tantrum that will light up telescreens if sufficient numbers of Americans continue to tell Biden where he can stick his needles.
