Virtually nothing about Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is as it seems, and that is, in large part, thanks to the garbage ‘mainstream media,’ which is in the tank for him and the Democrat Party so far you just know that Nazi propagandist scumbag Joseph Goebbels is somewhere in hell looking on in admiration.

In case you missed it, and tens of millions of Americans did, NBC and MSNBC hosted a ‘town hall’ event featuring Biden on Monday, which was ‘moderated’ by nightly news anchor Lester Holt.

The word ‘moderated’ is in quotes because the entire event appears to have been choreographed, as media-hosted events for Democrats generally are (remember when ‘CNN contributor’ Donna Brazile gave ‘debate’ questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016?).

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According to the Washington Free Beacon, some people in the audience at the Biden event were not who they claimed to be, and what’s more, NBC was very aware of it:

NBC News featured a pair of “undecided” voters during a network town hall earlier this week who had previously declared their support for Democratic nominee Joe Biden on the network’s sister channel, MSNBC.

Lawyer Peter Gonzalez and marketing executive Ismael Llano posed questions to Biden during a town hall on Monday, when he appeared before what the network described as an “audience of undecided Florida voters.”

Both Gonzalez and Llano, however, were featured in an MSNBC segment in August to explain why they support Biden. “If we get four more years of Trump, good luck, and good luck with the future attracting younger voters,” Gonzalez said as an MSNBC chyron noted he was “voting for Biden.” Llano was also identified as “voting for Biden” and offered praise for the former vice president.

During the event, Holt said that Llano “voted for Hillary Clinton four years ago but has voted Republican in the past.” Meanwhile, whose Gonzalez’s voting history was never mentioned, asked the former vice president to give assurances that he’s not in the pocket of “the radical left.”

“Cuban American and Venezuelan voters here in South Florida are being targeted with messages by the Trump campaign claiming that a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for the radical left and socialism, and even communism,” Gonzalez said. “What can you tell people in my family, my friends—who are understandably concerned with that issue—that would make them feel comfortable voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?”

The incident involving Brazile in 2016 aside, the chicanery of NBC and MSNBC on Monday is far from the only time Washington media outlets have choreographed Trump opponents as ‘undecided voters,’ when in reality they have always been Democrat voters. 

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Last month, for instance, ABC claimed a number of Trump’s critics were undecided, which included one who previously described the president as a “f**king moron,” “pathetic,” “pig,” “swine,” and “punk a**” on social media.

“Another ‘undecided’ voter featured in NBC’s town hall, Mateo Gomez, told MSNBC on Sept. 30 that he was leaning toward voting Biden over Trump after watching the first debate,” the Free Beacon added.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.