The riot at the U.S. Capitol Building last month in Washington, D.C., did, in fact, involve some supporters of former President Donald Trump, but violence and rioting are not characteristics of his backers.

But the same cannot be said of the left, as evidenced by the way in which one of the ex-president’s lawyers, Michael van der Veen, is being treated.

ABC News reported Sunday that vandals went to his home in the Philadelphia suburbs and spraypainted the word “TRAITOR” in red on his driveway.

Police said that the vandalism likely took place around 8 p.m. on Friday at van der Veen’s West Whiteland Township residence, which is located about 30 miles southwest of Philly.


ABC News adds:

No arrests have been made, Detective Scott Pezick of the West Whiteland Township Police Department told ABC News on Sunday afternoon. Pezick said private security has since been hired by the homeowner to protect the residence, and police presence has been beefed up in van der Veen’s neighborhood.

Pezick said van der Veen’s wife reported the vandalism to police.

In an interview with Fox News on Saturday, an angry van der Veen brushed aside a question about the spraypaint incident.

“My home was attacked,” he said. “To answer your question, my entire family, my business, my law firm are under siege right now. I don’t really want to go into that, though.”

Meanwhile, Bruce Castor, another one of former President Trump’s defense attorneys, also said his home was also vandalized as well.

“It’s been very unsettling. Mr. van der Veen’s house was vandalized last night,” Castor said on Fox News Saturday. “My house was the subject of unrest. These people are lawyers and they expect to do their jobs without having fear for their personal safety.”

On Sunday, van der Veen, whose defense of the president was praised by many including Philadephia-born top talk radio host and author Mark Levin, blasted the Democratic House impeachment managers (and the media) for fabricating bits of their case against the former president.

“What happened at the Capitol on January 6 is absolutely horrific. But what happened at the Capitol during this trial was not too far away from that,” he told CBS News.

The prosecutors, in this case, doctored evidence. They did not investigate this case and when they had to come to the court of the Senate to put their case on, they hadn’t done any investigation. They doctored evidence,” van der Veen continued.

“It was absolutely shocking I think when we discovered it and we were able to expose it and put it out; I think it turned a lot of senators. The American people should not be putting up with this, they need to look at who these House managers were and look to see whether these were the folks they want representing them. It was shocking to me, wouldn’t have believed it,” he said.

He went on to chastise the media for “dividing the country” and anchor Laura Zak after she appeared to suggest that minor evidence doctoring is no big deal.

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“I believe your question says, ‘Well, it’s only a Twitter check and changing a year of a date here.’ They switched the date of Twitter a year to try to connect it to this case. That’s not a small thing, ma’am. The other thing they did is they put a checkmark on something to make it look like it was a validated account when it wasn’t. And when they were caught, they didn’t say anything about it. They didn’t even try to come up with an excuse about it. That’s not the way our prosecutors or our government officials should be conducting themselves.”

“And the media shouldn’t be letting them get away with it either,” Van Der Veen added in the heated exchange.



Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.