When they’re not indoctrinating students in Marxist political theory, America’s colleges and universities are pushing them to adopt Communistic practices of authoritarian collectivism.

Such as ratting on each other to school authorities when a fellow student breaks the rules.

Ostensibly to keep the COVID-19 curve ‘flattened,’ colleges and universities are requiring students sign contracts not to party, have people over to their dorm rooms, or even walk across campus without masks.

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And if anyone does break their solemn oath, well then, the universities are imploring kids to tattle on each other to the on-site Politburo stooges.

Campus Reform provided several examples

The University of Miami has set up a system where “students are encouraged to report concerns about unsafe behaviors” of their peers, and administrators will review the concern.

Texas A&M University has a similar system where faculty members and administrators can file a report if they are concerned someone else on campus has COVID-19 or has come into contact with the virus.

Tulane University also has a system where university members can report “problematic behavior” related to COVID-19, and depending on the circumstance, are asked to call the university police.

The University of North Georgia has set up a similar “COVID-19 Concern for Others Form,” which prompted a letter to the university from the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which claims that the form may violate students’ right to privacy and could possibly censor speech.

Yale University is even encouraging students to “make reports concerning COVID-19” to the university hotline.

The University of North Georgia has set up a similar “COVID-19 Concern for Others Form,” which prompted a letter to the university from the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which claims that the form may violate students’ right to privacy and could possibly censor speech.

In a column for The New York Times arguing against forcing college kids to become “coronavirus cops,” Dr. Karen Levy, an assistant professor in the department of information science at Cornell University, and Lauren Kilgour, a doctoral candidate, observe that in a number of ways, “it makes sense that universities are relying on students to be the eyes and ears of public health management.”

But, they continued, “there’s a risk that these peer reporting systems may not be effective in controlling the spread of Covid-19 on campus because they put students in very tough positions.”

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Though some students would gladly rat out a fellow student who isn’t ‘compliant’ like a sheep, “others may be loath to report on their friends, especially when doing so could result in harsh penalties. And students risk being socially ostracized if they are branded with the stigma of being a ‘narc’ by their peers,” they wrote.

And let’s not forget what’s really going on here. The vast majority of college and university professors and administrators are hard-Left Marxist authoritarians. They are less concerned with COVID-19 than they are allowing students to think and act freely and independently.

Encouraging them to tattle on each other not only creates an environment of compliance but also mistrust, anxiety, and fear of acting independently. 

The Left doesn’t want free thinkers, it wants sheep.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.