The excuses keep coming for the Joe Biden White House. They have literally screwed up everything they have touched. Name for me one success, one victory that Joe Biden has tasted. I’ll wait.

Speaking of waiting, last weekend WNBA “star” and notoriously unAmerican Brittney Griner, who is currently “detained” in Russia had clearance from the Russian government to call her wife on their anniversary.

Literally, ALL the Biden administration had to do was route the call through the US Embassy in Russia. We all know how that went. Turns out, now Biden and company are giving the “shrugging shoulder” emoji to the Griner’s.

What’s the latest? Per the New York Post:

Cherelle Griner said the Phoenix Mercury center attempted to call 11 times on Saturday — the couple’s fourth wedding anniversary — but the US embassy in Moscow, which said it would connect the couple, instead let the phone ring without answering.

“This was an unfortunate mistake. And the Department of State is working to rectify this as quickly as possible,” Jean-Pierre said at her regular briefing.

What exactly is an unfortunate mistake? Joe Biden being elected president? Nah, that was no mistake, if you know what I mean.

Did the folks at the Embassy hear the phone ring, and think it was someone calling to tell them their car warranty was expired? Probably not, I think those folks are Pakistanis.

Honestly, the biggest mistake was Britt thinking she could bring her weed pen into mother Russia, but that proverbial ship has sailed.

“I understand there is a phone interview [that] has been scheduled. I’m not going to speak to when. That is up to Brittney Griner’s partner to decide — her wife to decide if they want to make that public.”

Cherelle Griner told The Associated Press that she hasn’t been able to speak with her wife in four months and that she wants to talk directly with President Biden about the case.

I’m guessing we haven’t heard the last of this planned call. Heaven help the folks at the Embassy if they don’t answer the phone this time. Joe might take away their phone privileges.

Cherelle wants to talk directly to the president about the situation, does she? Well sweet cheeks, take a number. You have several hundred million other Americans that want 30 seconds with our idiot-in-chief.

“I find it unacceptable and I have zero trust in our government right now. If I can’t trust you to catch a Saturday call outside of business hours, how can I trust you to actually be negotiating on my wife’s behalf to come home? Because that’s a much bigger ask than to catch a Saturday call,” Cherelle Griner said.

Jean-Pierre said that she had no information regarding a potential call between Biden and Cherelle Griner, but insisted that “any American that is held abroad is a priority for this president. We’ve spoken to that and we will do everything that we can to bring them home.”

Zero trust is pretty standard for our government right now. Zero trust economically, domestically, and abroad. Zero trust Joe won’t crash another bike. Zero trust Kamala won’t say something incomprehensibly stupid. Zero trust Nancy Pelosi doesn’t suck the souls out of unsuspecting victims and then lay eggs in their brains. Ok, maybe I made the last one up. Democrats don’t have brains.

It should also alarm Cherelle Griner when the administration talks about Americans held abroad being a priority. Do you mean like those folks that can’t get out of Afghanistan? Just curious.

A Kremlin spokesman denied Monday that Griner is being used as a “hostage.” saying, “She violated Russian law, and now she’s being prosecuted.”

Griner is one of two Americans known to be held in Russia. The other, former Marine Paul Whelan, was sentenced in 2020 to 16 years in prison on a charge of espionage.

Biden is an opponent of marijuana legalization and as a senator authored legislation that sent some pot dealers to prison for life without parole. Last year, the White House fired at least five staffers who admitted to past pot use.

Sure, the Kremlin isn’t using Griner as a political pawn. I’d believe the car warranty people before I’d believe the Kremlin.

Just based on old Joe and his track record with reefer addicts (he’s so old they called it reefer in his day), if I was Cherelle Griner, I wouldn’t be looking for Brittney anytime soon.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.