We’ve been hearing reports now for weeks that once President Donald Trump is out of office – be it next month or four years from next month – Democrats want to continue investigating him for a myriad of unsubstantiated reasons that have everything to do with political retribution and nothing to do with ‘doing the right thing.’

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But the problem is, most Americans by far are not on board with that idea.

The Washington Times has more:

Americans are not interested in any more Democratic investigations of President Trump and his administration. Such investigations, in fact, rank last as a priority on a wish-list of issues for President-elect Joseph R. Biden to address in the very near future. So says a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll which asked respondents to rank the importance of the issues that will confront the Biden White House in the coming months.

An expensive, unproductive and unwarranted probe of Mr. Trump’s activities is not one of them — suggesting that Americans have a case of impeachment fatigue.

The poll found the most important priority of all was controlling COVID-19, cited by 44%, followed by job creation and preservation, cited by 26%. Improving access to health care was deemed most important by 12%, addressing climate change by 5%. Another 7% were undecided about the issue.

By comparison, just 2 percent of those surveyed want Democrats to waste time with new investigations of the president.

That said, it’s not entirely likely that President Trump will simply fade away into the sunset, either. He’s liable to be in the face of Democrats every step of the way if Biden winds up being assisted into the Oval Office.

And in fact, other surveys put Trump atop the 2024 GOP ticket (much to the chagrin of the RINOs and establishment GOP types).

In late November, a Morning Consult/Politico survey found that President Trump easily tops 2024 potentials with 54 percent, meaning he’d be a shoo-in for the GOP nomination (the primary season of which begins in just 36 months, by the way).

That said, Trump will be 78 in 2024, the same age that Biden is now; will he be suffering some of the same, um, ‘mental issues?’ It is difficult to imagine that Donald Trump, the original Energizer Bunny, becoming debilitated through mental incapacity, but you never know; Biden didn’t seem that out of it when he left office in 2017.

As for continuing investigations, while congressional Democrats may be turned off from launching new probes, lunatic Marxists in state district attorneys and attorneys general in blue bastions aren’t going to be encumbered by such political pressure.

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The Manhattan DA, Cyrus Vance Jr., is all about investigating the Trump Organization as well as the president himself. So, too, is New York State Attorney General Letitia James; both of these political hacks have searched high and low to charge the Trumps with something ­– anything – for the high crime of running for office, winning, and then doing their level best to actually carry out the “America First” agenda the president laid out.

Either way, we don’t expect Donald Trump to lose much of his base of support if he has to surrender the White House. The GOP is his party, now and in the foreseeable future.

Republicans are sick of the John McCain/Mitt Romney wing.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.