A video making the rounds on Twitter this past weekend showed a black woman of unspecified rank absolutely going bananas in a gymnasium. Her race and gender are relevant only because as one claims more intersectional points, then the more power they have in any situation. Clearly this woman has spent a lifetime feeling simultaneously oppressed and emboldened to act in such a foolish manner.

Take a look below as this woman tries her hardest to make even the most seasoned vets gasp in shock at her brazenness:

What initiates the exchange is unknown, but once she has made her way down the stairs, that’s when the explicit language really ramps up, as reported and transcribed by BizPacReview:

“She eventually starts moving to the bottom of the room and toward the direction in which the superior officer had requested her to “go.”

She does so while yelling out more obscenities.

“Ya’ll ain’t no s–t! F–k you mean! P—y ass ho! All ya’ll! F–k all ya’ll. All ya’all unprofessional. Suck my d–k!”

The latter remark triggers an audible gasp from the other soldiers.”

When a white male attempts to redirect her, this woman instantly spins around and gets in his face yelling “Don’t touch me!” It’s amazing anyone watching this can claim this young black female is oppressed when she has the temerity to attempt this disgusting display of incivility, crassness, and outright insubordination. There is no fear of “the man” here.

Like I said, I don’t know what happened prior to filming. But if I had to guess, I’d say we have a pretty good idea. We’ve seen this movie thousands of times already and we always know how it ends. An emotionally unstable narcissistic has her supposed reputation supposedly attacked and then goes full lunatic in an unhinged, deranged, and totally uncalled for rant. Because wokesters always feel entitled to their emotions, regardless of any truth or merit, the end result is a bombastic show of superiority.

Should we be surprised at this point? The infusion of woke ideology is no accident. BizPacReview has more:

“Signs of the military’s “wokeness” began seeping through last year when Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley ranted and raved to Congress about so-called “white rage” and defended the practice of encouraging members of the Armed Forces to embrace racial essentialism.

Also last year, President Joe Biden announced that his administration intended to focus on ostensibly improving the military by making it more friendly to women.

Some of the administration’s projects, he announced, included updating the military’s requirements for hairstyles and designing “maternity flight suits.”

“Some of it’s relatively straightforward work where we’re making good progress: designing body armor that fits women properly, tailoring combat uniforms for women, creating maternity flight suits, updating requirements for their hairstyles,” he said.

“And and some of it is going to take an intensity of purpose and mission to really change the culture and habits that cause women to leave the military,” he added.”

Hailey Sanibel fiercely loves freedom. She is a contributing author at Trending Politics and writes regularly at The Blue State Conservative.
