The public comment period has now drawn to a close for guidance concerning a new law soon to be finalized by the Virginia Department of Education that will allow parents to opt their kids out of coursework that is deemed to be “sexually explicit.”

You can probably already hear all of the wannabe groomer liberals out there writhing around on the floor, stamping their feet like the toddlers they are over not being allowed to normalize sexually deviant behavior to your young children.

It’s a sick world we live in these days, but thankfully, there are people out in our culture and society who seek to protect kids from this filthy nonsense.

A report from Just the News says, “Per the law, local school boards must adopt policies that inform parents of sexually explicit material in assigned coursework and allow parents to opt their children out of those assignments. The teachers must pinpoint the sexually explicit part of the assignment when providing that information to parents.”

“If a parent opts his or her child out of an assignment, the teacher will need to provide an alternative assignment that does not contain anything sexually explicit,” the report continues. “The law does not give parents the ability to ban any material or any books in the schools, and it does not allow parents to force any changes to the curriculum for other students.”

A parent should be the ultimate decision maker when it comes to the kind of material their child is taught in the classroom. Parents are the true caregivers of their own children. They are the ones responsible for all of the choices of that kid’s care until they are a grown adult.

Just because they might outsource some of those responsibilities to others, does not mean they do not have the final say in how and what their kids learn. If a parent does not want their child to learn about homosexuality and gender identity issues at five years old in a kindergarten classroom, that is their choice and it should be respected.

However, to be honest, kids at that age should not be subjected to any sort of teaching on sexuality. It’s perverse to do so and carries with it a rather sinister agenda.

“Sexually explicit material, as defined in the law, is a description or visual representation of a lewd exhibition of nudity, a depiction of sexual excitement or conduct, bestiality, sadomasochistic abuse, coprophilia, urophilia or fetishism. When the legislation was being debated, some supporters cited literary material that depicted rape and oral sex being taught in classrooms, to which some parents expressed objections,” Just the News says in its report.

The report then notes, “The Department of Education’s guidance will provide school boards with more specific guidance on how to apply that standard. Under the draft guidance, which has yet to be finalized, the state would require school boards to adopt policies that give parents a 30-day notice before using any sexually explicit material. It also would require them to consider the age of the student when determining what counts as sexually explicit.”

To give you a clear example, the draft guidelines require teachers to give parents notice of K-5 students of PG material, to provide notice for K-8 children’s parents of PG-13 or TV-14 material, and to notify parents of children at any grade level of “R” and “MA” material.

This is a policy that should have already been in place. It’s just common sense.

Here’s more information from Just the News:

However, the draft guidance also states parents must be notified of material that is legally defined as “sexual conduct” under the law, which is defined as “actual or explicitly simulated acts of masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse, or physical contact in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification with a person’s clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks or, if such be female, breast.”

Senate President Pro tempore L. Louise Lucas, D-Portsmouth, alleged this would prohibit any discussion of homosexuality.

“The Youngkin administration is now attempting to ban the mention of homosexuality in all Virginia schools- using an outdated and unconstitutional section of code to define ‘sexually explicit content’ to bypass the General Assembly,” the senator claimed.

However, the governor’s office has spoken out saying that these guidelines do not actually function in that way.

Once these guidelines are finalized, school boards will then be given until the first of January 2023 to adopt the policies in accordance with the rules.
