Vice President Kamala Harris has become rather infamous for sputtering like a drunken frat boy after a weekend bender every time she is asked a question or makes a public statement, which, if you look at her recent comment about women getting pregnant in America being a problem only abortion can solve, is a reputation she has well earned.

“Listen, women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue,” Harris said while doing an interview with podcast host Brian Tyler Cohen that went up on Sunday.


I mean, yeah. Women get pregnant every single day in the U.S. Just like they do in every single country in the world. Is Harris really suggesting that women getting pregnant is a problem and that we need to stop this by ensuring more abortions take place?

This, as usual, is already a word salad from Harris and it’s only one sentence.

According to TheBlaze, “Harris was attempting to argue that Congress needs to codify a federal right to abortion to nullify state restrictions on abortion that went into effect after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The vice president said lawmakers ‘need to act with a sense of haste about what is at play, what is at stake.'”

She then went on to add that “codifying Roe” will help put protections in place for “the folks who are at risk right now” of getting pregnant. I’m just floored by this, folks. I’m not sure what to even say. This is just insane.

“The Republican Party’s communications team had a field day with her gaffe, which made it sound like she opposes pregnancy,” TheBlaze reported.

“The GOP also put Harris on blast for misinforming Cohen’s audience about Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits K-3 educators from instructing children about sexual orientation or gender identity, restricting classroom discussion on those topics to what is developmentally or age-appropriate in higher grades,” the report stated.

How in the world did we come to the point in our nation’s history, in our society and culture, where this nincompoop became our vice president? The sheer number of gaffes both the president and vice president have created since taking office is staggering.

Our nation is currently a laughingstock to the entire globe because we have Moe and Curly as our executive branch.

Harris, like many other radical leftists, have incorrectly referred to the Florida bill as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The vice president also made the claim that by preventing teachers from talking about their sex lives with kids ages 5 to 8, the law is preventing them from being able to “love openly,” whatever the heck that means.

“These are issues that impact young people because, as we all know, your right to vote and the action of voting unlocks all the other rights, including same-sex marriage,” the vice president went on to say during her talk with Cohen. “Including whether we are going to stand up against a law that says, ‘Don’t Say Gay,’ basically restricting kindergarten through third-grade teachers in Florida to be able to love openly and teach what they believe is important for people to understand.”

The actual text of the bill says, “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

Young kids do not need to be made privy to the romantic and sexual lives of their teachers, regardless of whether they are gay or straight. Why does that need to be a thing? Just teach. Do your job.

Good grief.
