Walmart just joined fellow retailers Kroger, Kohl’s Bed Bath & Beyond, Sam’s Club, JC Penney, and Costco in canceling Mike Lindell’s MyPillow, refusing to sell the much-liked products in its stores.

Apparently, as of the 15th of June, the Executive Vice President of Walmart told Mr. Lindell over the phone that Walmart would no longer be carrying My Pillow products.

The decision to pull the pillows from Walmart’s aisles comes about a year after a petition demanding that retailers do so reached 100,000 signatures. The petition, reported on at the time by Newsweek, argues that Mike’s products should be canceled because of his involvement in the fight over the 2020 election and voter fraud, saying:

“Today 01/15/2021 the MyPillow founder met with President Trump and suggested instituting martial law after the twice impeached president staged a coup. Time to tell our major retailers to stop selling his products. We will not support funding insurrectionists!”

Apparently just not buying products made by those with whom they disagree was not enough and they had to go full-bore cancel culture on the issue.

Walmart’s Executive Vice President, however, cited a different issue in explaining why Walmart would no longer sell the pillows, saying:

Well, we’ve gotta be honest, we have a rating system and My Pillow is under 4 (stars) and we don’t accept products under 4 (stars).

That explanation is similar to the one made by Kohl’s and Bed, Bath, and Beyond, which cited “poor sales” when kicking MyPillow out of their stores but were obviously doing so for political reasons, as Mike was in his fight with Dominion Voting Machines at the time and was, unlike many RINOs, refusing to back down on the voter fraud issue.

Walmart’s decision seems equally suspect, as a cursory search of Walmart’s products, as 100PercentFedUp did, shows that Walmart does carry pillow products that have ratings under four stars.

However, some of the MyPillow products on Walmart’s website shockingly received under four stars, though all that are rated are over three and a half, so perhaps Walmart used a rating decline to boot the products from its stores and website.

Many patriots on Twitter were quick to condemn the news and attack Walmart for canceling Mike’s perfect pillows.

One angry tweeter, for example, sounded off on Walmart’s involvement in cancel culture as shown through the recent MyPillow decision, saying:

@Walmart Walmart is now part of cancel culture, they canceled my pillow. Absolutely disgraceful. Cowards. Won’t shop at Walmart again. Bye bye

Another called for a boycott of Walmart in the wake of the decision, saying:

Boycott @Walmart now!!!!! They canceled Mike Lindell – My Pillow today. 😡
#retweet #TrendingNow #takeouthetrash #cancelthemnow

Still, another reacted with anger to the announcement and pointed out that while Walmart has canceled Mike’s MyPillow, it’s perfectly happy to sell Chinese products, products produced by a communist nation that is clearly readying to invade Taiwan and fight a war with the United States.


By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List
