During the Democratic Presidential debate on Tuesday evening, 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren scolded the crowd for laughing at her.

The incident came when Socialist Bernie Sanders was defending his Medicare for All plan. Warren then joined in to discuss her position by talking about her friend, “Eddie,” who has ALS.

“He has ALS, and it’s killing him,” she stated. “He has health insurance – good health insurance – and it’s not nearly enough.”

CNN host Jake Tapper cut in to ask Warren if she agrees with Bernie on his Medicare for All stance, especially when it comes to making the middle class pay for it through increased taxes.

“So giant corporations and billionaires are going to pay more. Middle-class families are going to pay less out of pocket for their health care. And I’d like to finish talking about Ed, the guy who has ALS,” Warren said. with her pivot triggering chuckles from members of the audience.

This corny comment immediately drew laughter from the crowd. Warren was very angry.

“This isn’t funny,” Warren wined. “This is somebody who has health insurance and is dying. And every month, he has about $9,000 in medical bills that his insurance company won’t cover.”

“His wife Rachel is on the phone for hours and hours and hours begging the insurance company please cover what the doctor says he needs,” she added.

“The basic profit model of an insurance company is to take as much money as you can … and pay out as little as possible in health care coverage. That is not working for Americans across this country and Medicare for All will fix that, and that’s why I’ll fight for it,” she said.

WATCH the hilarious clip below:


Warren wasn’t the only candidate to have a meltdown during the debate. Senator Bernie Sanders had a moment after he got hammered by presidential candidate John Hickenlooper.

“You haven’t implemented the plans. Us governors and mayors are the ones, and we have to pick up all the pieces. … You can’t just spring a plan on the world and expect it to succeed,” Hickenlooper said.

Hickenlooper later stated. “I think if you’re going to force Americans to make these radical changes, they’re not going to go along…”

Before he could finish, Sanders threw his hands up in the air. This has become once of Sanders’ “go to” gestures when he doesn’t know what to say.

“Throw your hands up!” Hickenlooper mocked.

“I will,” Sanders said as he threw his hands up again.

Hickenlooper mocked again: “Woah I can do it,” as he threw his hands up again.

WATCH the clip of the moment below:


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