Joe Biden didn’t have to do much of anything when he took office in terms of foreign and domestic policy.

While the COVID-19 pandemic knocked out our economic progress under Donald Trump, had he won (yes, yes, we know), he would have straightened the situation out early in his second term and would have picked up right where he left off in terms of domestic economic, tax, and foreign policies.

What’s more, the border was secure, a number of peace deals had been made (and more were being negotiated), the Middle East was stable, North Korea wasn’t launching missiles towards Japan, and — did we mention the border was stable?

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“All he had to do is nothing,” Trump said in an interview broadcast on Saturday. “We won’t have a country; they’re destroying our country.

“If he would have done nothing, we would have had right now the strongest border in history,” he told Newsmax TV’s Dick Morris.

But no. Biden walked into the Oval Office for the first time after he was inaugurated to a waiting stack of executive orders — really, an unprecedented amount of orders sitting on the Resolute Desk. and systematically, over the next days and weeks, Biden undid Trump’s policies one by one.

Trump’s border enforcement and fence-building policies were the first to go, and those decisions had the predictable (and desired?) result: A new crush of illegal migrants who are flooding into the country by the tens of thousands.

In response, Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of fixing the situation. She hasn’t done much of anything, really; she hasn’t even visited the border.

But now we know why: The Biden regime has figured out what to do — throw money at the issue and pay off Central American countries with American tax dollars! How original, right?

The Daily Caller reports:

The Biden administration aims to send $861 million to Central American countries to address causes of mass migration to the U.S., according to the budget released Friday.

The administration plans to provide $861 million in federal aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico in order to “address the root causes of irregular migration,” according to the proposed budget for 2022. Vice President Kamala Harris asked private sector companies to “make new, significant commitments” to create sustainable economic opportunities aimed at ending the migration crisis at the southern border on Thursday, according to the White House.

“Our comprehensive strategy to address the root causes of migration will involve significant commitments of U.S. government resources to support the long-term development of the region—including efforts to foster economic opportunity, strengthen governance, combat corruption, and improve security,” the White House said.

“Addressing the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle requires sustained economic growth and investment. The private sector has an important role to play. Today, I met with the leaders of companies and organizations that announced commitments to invest in the region,” Harris said in a tweet.

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This ‘investment’ strategy is nothing new; it’s been tried for decades and it hasn’t worked yet. That’s why Trump a) threatened to cut off aid to these countries if they didn’t do more to stop their own citizens from trekking north; and b) set up policies of requiring asylum seekers from Central America to apply in their own countries.

It worked. The U.S. border was more secure than it had been during Trump’s final two years in office than at any time in recent memory.

This ‘investment’ scheme will fail again because nothing changes and what if it did?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.