During a school board meeting earlier this month, a young 9-year-old girl unleashed on her school board for allowing Black Lives Matter propaganda signs to be promoted throughout her school.

The board originally ruled that BLM posters were political so therefore they would not be allowed on school grounds however the board never followed through with their ruling.

“The poster series includes two that say ‘Black lives matter,’ which the district has said stands for the social justice movement, but those in opposition say it reflects the views of the Black Lives Matter Global Network, which they said stands for political positions. Opponents maintain any poster with that name on it should be banned by policy,” one local news outlet reported.

During the recent board meeting, a 9-year-old girl unleashed on the board in a fiery rant.

“The other day I was walking down the hallway at Lakeview Elementary School to give a teacher a retiring gift. I looked up on to the wall and saw a BLM poster and an Amanda Gorman poster. In case you don’t know who that chick is, she’s some girl who did a poem for Biden’s so-called inauguration. I was so mad,” the child started. “I was told two weeks ago at this very meeting spot, no politics in school. I believed what you said at this meeting, so at lunch I went up to the principal to tell him about the BLM poster and that I wanted it down.”


The child was told by the principal that the posters would not be coming down because they were made by the school board.

“I was stunned. When I was here two weeks ago, you told us to report any BLM in our schools. Apparently, you know they’re in our schools because you made the signs.”
