On Tuesday, Joe Biden spoke in Michigan about his plans to “help” the economy, but his sentences turned into a giant word salad every time he went away from the teleprompter.

“When you build a *gibberish* station, like, back in the day when my Grandpop worked in the *gibberish* oil company in the turn of the 19, uh 1920’s, in that area, they went from state to state convincing people to put, that w-w-would allow them to put 20,000 gallons of gasoline under the ground. They didn’t want them around!” Biden said.

The reporters in attendance likely had no idea what Sleepy Joe was trying to say, but he sure seemed proud of the “story” he told.

Watch below:

At another point during the press conference, Biden slipped up again, calling his plan the “Build back PLETTER” plan:

At yet another point in his speech, Biden lied and claimed that the $3.5 trillion spending bill was actually a “tax cut”. Yes, really.


What is your reaction to Biden’s latest embarrassment in front of the cameras? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump