Looks like someone at CNBC didn’t get the “Shill for Biden” memo.

Just one day after far-left tv host Jim Cramer falsely claimed that we are living under the “strongest economy ever”, his own network admitted that Biden has rock-bottom economic approval.

Cherry on top? Republicans have a “historic” advantage in the congressional ballot.

“His [Biden] economic approval sinking more underwater with 37% approving and 56% who disapprove. That is also worse than the last survey,” CNBC reported.

“The polling data for Democrats in congress, even worse. Republicans now sport a historic 10 point advantage on congressional preference,” they added.


This eye-opening CNBC report comes just one day after Cramer said we are living under the “strongest economy” he has ever seen:


Isn’t it ironic that this over-the-top enthusiasm comes in the same week that media outlets were given “instructions” on what to report concerning the economy?



"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump