Even though it looks like the Democrats will successfully rig the election for Joe Biden and give leftists a “win” over President Trump, CNN analyst Van Jones is still “hurt” by the close outcome. If you remember, Jones is the same pundit who said Trump’s 2016 victory was a “white-lash” against people of color.

We wanted to see a repudiation of this direction for the country. And the fact that it’s this close … hurts. It just hurts. I think people got their hopes up looking at those polls,” he said.

“I think a lot of Democrats are hurt tonight. I think there’s a lot of hurt out there. There’s a moral victory and there’s a political victory. They’re not the same thing,” Jones said.

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“The political victory still may come. But I think for people who saw babies being snatched away from their mothers at the border; for people who are sending their kids into schools where the n-word is now being used against them, for people who are seeing this wave of intolerance — they wanted a moral victory tonight,” he said

See? Even when they’re on the verge of winning, they’re STILL not happy!

These people are sick, and we’re going to need to keep fighting against them because they’re coming for us.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump