During an event titled ‘Vaccinate New York’, a masked youth recited a song in dedication to Dr. Fauci, and it was the most cringeworthy moment of 2021 so far. The purpose of this post is not to mock the young man (who seems like a good kid), but it is to point out the brainwashing that has occurred in the minds of young people even though Dr. Fauci has been wrong at every single turn.

The song is simply titled “Dr. Fauci” and it is sung in the melody of “Mr. Sandman, made popular by The Chordettes in 1954.

Here are the lyrics” to the cringeworthy song:

“Dr. Fauci
Give us vaccines
Help all the people who have been quarantined
We’ll wear our masks and we’ll have to stay distant
We’ll wash our hands and be more resistant
Promise us please
We’ll have a cure that can fight off this disease
Restrictions will lift with some ease
Dr. Fauci, don’t forget me!”

Watch below:

The young man then took a bow.

What is your reaction to the cult of Fauci that the left has created? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump