The nation’s lead immunologist, New York native Dr. Anthony Fauci, would not offer an assessment about Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic following bombshell reports that his administration purposefully hid the real number of people who died from COVID in nursing homes in the state out of fear they would be prosecuted by Donald Trump’s Justice Department.

“You’re a New Yorker yourself, though you don’t live there right now. Andrew Cuomo is coming under criticism now for the big move back to long-term care facilities in the midst of this crisis here,” CNN’s Jim Sciutto began.

“He’s argued that his state was following federal guidelines when he ordered those long-term care facilities to accept patients returning from hospitals. I wonder, can you clear that up. Was he actually following federal guidelines to do that?” Sciutto asked?

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“You know, Jim, I can’t,” Fauci responded. “I mean, I’m sorry. I’m really — I’m honestly not trying to evade your question, but I’m not really sure of all the details of that, and I think if I make a statement, it probably could either be incorrect or taken out of context. So, I prefer not to comment on that.”

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We are left to believe that Fauci must live in a cave and that he hasn’t had any access to briefings, the Internet, or television.

Nevertheless, the story — first reported by the New York Post — isn’t going away.

The Post managed to ‘obtain’ an audio recording of Cuomo’s top aide, Melissa DeRosa, explaining to state Democrats why the governor just had to hid the actual number of COVID nursing home deaths which, by the way, are reportedly much higher than ‘official figures.’

The nation’s oldest newspaper reported:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear that the true numbers would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, The Post has learned.

The stunning admission of a coverup was made by secretary to the governor Melissa DeRosa during a video conference call with state Democratic leaders in which she said the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the tally in August because “right around the same time, [then-President Donald Trump] turns this into a giant political football,” according to an audio recording of the two-hour-plus meeting.

“He starts tweeting that we killed everyone in nursing homes,” DeRosa said. “He starts going after [New Jersey Gov. Phil] Murphy, starts going after [California Gov. Gavin] Newsom, starts going after [Michigan Gov.] Gretchen Whitmer.”

She added that the former president “directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us.”

“And basically, we froze,” she told the lawmakers.

Her admission came on the heels of a report from the office of New York Attorney General Letitia James; her investigators concluded that Cuomo’s administration undercounted nursing home COVID deaths by as much as 50 percent.

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But Fauci’s failure to comment on Cuomo’s reportedly abhorrent — and potentially criminal — mishandling of nursing home coronavirus policy is particularly galling, given the dog-and-pony show the two of them put on in December.

During a joint presser, Cuomo BS’ed his way through and joked that he and Fauci were like “modern day” versions of actors Al Pacino and Robert De Niro.

Har, har. How utterly tone-deaf.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.