On Tuesday evening, CNN’s Chris Cuomo (also known as ‘Fredo’) went on an unhinged rant after the GOP stopped the new Democrat election bill in its tracks. Fredo raged against Senate Democrats and even seemed to taunt them for not playing “tough enough” with the GOP.

“So, how about now? How about now, Democrats? Are you ready to play to win, now? Have you had enough,” he screamed.

“McConnell and Co. did exactly what we knew and you knew they would do,” he continued. “They tanked even the suggestion to debate the need to curtail state efforts to send voting rights back 50 years. They won’t even allow debate,” he added.

Watch his tirade below:

Cuomo then tried shaming Democrats further, this time by playing a clip of Martin Luther King Jr saying the following:

“I think the tragedy is that we have a Congress with a Senate that has a minority of misguided senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from even voting. They won’t let the majority senators vote. And suddenly they wouldn’t want the majority of people to vote, because they know they do not represent the majority of American people. In fact, they represent, in their own states, a very small minority.”

“Dr. King a half a century ago. You know, we thought this battle was over, but it wasn’t. The stakes are once again the same as then,” Cuomo proclaimed as he stood on his high horse.

Newsbusters had this to say about Cuomo’s pathetic argument:

As usual, Fredo failed at basic American history and didn’t recall that it was his family’s party that MLK was talking about there. It was Democrats who waged a war to keep slaves, fought for segregation and Jim Crow, and refused to extend civil and voting rights to blacks. And let’s not forget that MLK was a Republican.

What is your reaction to Fredo’s unhinged meltdown? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump