Joe Biden made his first appearance on a late-night talk show, appearing on the sycophantic ignoramus Jimmy Kimmel’s eponymous propaganda blitz, this past Wednesday night. Both lived up to their pathetic reputations; Biden vomited incoherent strings of words together and Kimmel couldn’t have made his nose browner if he tried.

Joe Biden is a talentless hack who has profited immensely off the backs of taxpayer dollars over the course of fifty years. Watch as both Kimmel and his seal audience clap for his utter gibberish:

“You turn on the TV, look at the ads, when’s the last time you saw biracial couples on TV? When’s the last time you saw.. I mean people are selling products.. they do ads and sell products and they say products when people they appeal to people.”

What does this even mean? Aside from the ramblings of a demented geriatric, if we stick to the premise of Biden’s argument has he actually watched television in the past decade? Whether you’re watching a cable program or streaming something, every show is broken up by black faces in commercials. That’s not even up for opinion; that’s just a cold, hard fact.

Although major media outlets are loath to report it, average consumers of woke, identity politics-driven messaging report seeing 40% of black faces on their screens despite black Americans representing 14% or so of the American population. One UK observer of the Super Bowl broke down each racial demographic’s share of the American population in terms of percentage and compared it to the featured races in Super Bowl advertising. Not surprising, this user came away with a similar result.

Is there nothing Brandon and this administration won’t gaslight?

Not to be outdone, Jimmy Kimmel made sure to suck at the teat of power and grovel on his knees for approval. He opened the entire show by introducing Biden as a guy who is to “aviator sunglasses what Tom Cruise is to aviator sunglasses.”

Just disgusting stuff. For starters, it isn’t remotely true, and for another thing this reference is totally intentional given the smashing success Cruise’s Top Gun sequel is having in theaters for precisely the opposite approach to filmmaking and Hollywood wokesterism that has infected every cultural, societal, and political institution in America.

As far as Biden’s point, the Twitter comments were exactly what you’d expect.

Am I having a stroke or is he

EVERY COMMERCIAL has a biracial couple Now.

I’ve traveled for many years across America for a living.

I’ve seen more biracial couples on TV commercials in the last 6months;

Than I have seen in person in my previous 60 years.

I guess they’re going to put him out there and let him babble. No dignity for the man or our country. Remembering all the calls for “the 25th” for DJT,,,but this is fine. Who is calling the shots? One person or a committee? Shouldn’t we know?

I don’t know what he’s watching but every stinking ad I see has biracial couples much greater than the actual proportion in society. It’s not that a biracial couple is an anomaly, it’s that it’s propaganda being shoved down our throats/just like the jabs.

Hailey Sanibel fiercely loves freedom. She is a contributing author at Trending Politics and writes regularly at The Blue State Conservative.
