Political observers believe there is no doubt that Joe Biden’s handlers are getting ready to shuffle him aside and anoint Vice President Kamala Harris as president.

But while they’re scheming to do that, maybe someone behind the scenes can give Harris a crash-course in presidential etiquette and tradition.

Like, perhaps, teaching her how to salute military members who are extending her the courtesy, as is required of them.

Watch below:

The insult — and that’s exactly what it is, an insult — was ripped by social media users, including former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik.

DISGRACEFUL: @VP Kamala Harris refuses to salute the honor guard at the steps of the aircraft. It is a clear demonstration of her dislike for those in uniform, both law-enforcement and military,” he tweeted.

“Kamala Harris doesn’t salute members of the military as she gets on Air Force Two, breaking with a customary tradition of respect Remember when she and Joe Biden tried to sell the lie that *Trump* was the one who didn’t respect the troops?” added Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

Well, at least Harris didn’t fall walking up the steps, right? So there’s that.

As for grooming her to be the new C-in-C, that’s a real thing.

An email leaked to the website Outspoken insists that federal agencies begin using the term “Biden-Harris Administration” — not the “Biden administration,” which is unprecedented, at least in modern history (it was the “Trump administration,” not “Trump-Pence”; it was the “Obama administration,” not “Obama-Biden”; etc.).

“Please be sure to reference the current administration as the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ in official public communications,” the directive reads, with “Biden-Harris Administration” accented in bold.

(Courtesy: Outspoken)

This really shouldn’t surprise anyone. Biden has been obviously failing in his faculties for more than a year as we saw during his campaign (when he ventured out from his basement, that is).

He’s been one verbal gaffe after another; he forgets the simplest things that should be top-of-mind to presidents (like the current COVID death toll or the name of the defense secretary you just appointed or the name of the building he works in).

And of course, there was that nasty spill up the steps of Air Force One Biden just took on Friday that left tens of millions of Americans gasping or in shocked disbelief — while our enemies mock us for electing such an invalid.

Harris has been extremely busy as a vice president, what with her taking the lead in talking to foreign leaders like she’s the boss or something. And don’t think this hasn’t been noticed by people who understand how presidential administrations work.

“World leaders expect to hear from the President of the United States, not the Vice President,” former Ambassador to Germany and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell told Outspoken. “There are certainly times when the Vice President has to step in but not for the introductory call.”

“The fact that the White House is instructing federal agencies to replace ‘Biden’ with ‘Biden-Harris’ after less than 60 days is indicative of the struggle Joe Biden is already having being President,” Grenell said. “This is a signal that he can’t do the job alone.”

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So if Harris is set to 25th Amendment her way into the Oval Office, someone needs to begin training her on behaviors and actions presidents are expected to make and take.

Like returning military salutes.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.