Listening to Karine Jean-Pierre speak is like listening to that one friend we all have. You know the guy; he isn’t really that smart, but he tries to sound like he is, and sometimes when he attempts to argue a point, he has no idea what he is talking about. That’s pretty much KJP in a nutshell! I think we all got spoiled by Jen Psaki. Jen was a skilled liar, but at least she was direct, prepared, and knew what she was lying about. Some of her battles with Fox’s Peter Doocy are the stuff of legend. Karine on the other hand? Doocy makes KJP look like a nervous high school sophomore at her first debate club match. Are they called matches?

Karine has made such famous blunders as claiming illegals don’t just “walk” across the border, the border is in fact secure, and most famously she denied the 2016 election results. Disinformation much Karine? Most recently, in response to Ron DeSantis sending two planes of illegal immigrant volunteers to liberal playground Martha’s Vineyard, KJP accused Republicans of ‘creating chaos and confusion’. She should know! Check this out from the Blaze:

The White House on Thursday lashed out at Republican elected officials for sending illegal immigrants to Democrat-run sanctuary cities like Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., and Washington, D.C.

“Using migrants as political pawns is shameful, is reckless, and just plain wrong,” Jean-Pierre told reporters at a press briefing. “If these governors truly care about border security, they should ask Texas Governor Ted Cruz and Florida Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott why they voted against the president’s request for record funding for the Department of Homeland Security.”

Now, I don’t know why Cruz and Rubio voted against funding homeland security. My suspicion is it was a typical Democrat ploy to back-end money into one of their pet projects by attaching it to homeland security. That is page one of the Democrat playbook, and savvy Republicans like Cruz know this. Whatever the reason, it is way deeper that what KJP is alluding to.

Speaking of Ted Cruz, Karine should know better at this point that to poke Cruz with a stick. Ted is one of the smartest people in Washington, and he isn’t afraid to let Biden, KJP, or whoever get a taste.

Liberals in Washington and around the country are in a kerfuffle because Texas Governor Abbott and Ron DeSantis are sending small contingents of illegal volunteers to liberal strongholds like Martha’s Vineyard, and to liberal so-called sanctuary cities. The irony with the sanctuary city is most of them are too far north and isolated from any real impact from illegal immigration. Until now.

The actions by the Republican governors provoked a meltdown by liberals on social media. Jean-Pierre blasted the GOP governors, calling the migrant drop-offs a “cruel premeditated political stunt.”

“It’s really just disrespectful to humanity. It is — it doesn’t afford them any dignity, what they’re doing, when you’re abandoning families and children in a place where they were told they were going to get housing, in a place where they were told they were going to get jobs,” Jean-Pierre said. “It is just cruel.”

Again, what KJP fails to mention is NO ONE is being forced to board a bus or plane. These folks are volunteering. Why wouldn’t they? It’s an opportunity to get deeper into the country and shine more of a spotlight on their plight. Probably also have better food and housing than at an overwhelmed Texas border as well.

Cue Ted Cruz. His response was epic.

“To be fair, sending anyone to be surrounded by rich, hypocritical liberals is pretty cruel & inhumane,” Cruz said in response to her criticisms.

Bam! You got served! Abbott and DeSantis should continue sending people to liberal enclaves all across the country until Biden and Harris start to do their job and secure our border. Let’s spare poor Karine Jean-Pierre any further embarrassment.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.