The liberal media’s campaign to brainwash the American left has been a resounding success. They have made these far-left lunatics believe that the GOP is more dangerous than the Taliban, who murders and beheads their opposition and treats women like actual garbage.

To get a feel for the sentiment, Daily Caller reporter Mary Margaret Olohan went to the “Women’s” March in DC on Saturday, and some of the responses she got from these women were truly stunning.

Her question for these women was very simple… “Who is more dangerous, Republicans or the Taliban?”

Watch their shocking responses here:

Here are some of the low-lights:

“The GOP is a HELL of a lot more dangerous than the Taliban,” said one unhinged woman.

“Do I think they’re equal in their hatred and control over women? Yeah”, said another.

“Texas Republicans, every day,”

“Right now, the Texas Republicans are right up there with them”

“Yeah, it’s the same. The Taliban makes decisions for women and that’s what the Republicans are doing”

What is your reaction to this group of brainwashed women? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump